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How competitive is a pilot slot?

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I'm planning to attend Embry Riddle Daytona in the fall, with a degree most likely in aeronautical science. Is that the best choice? I then plan on applying to Navy OTS and flight training. How competitive is it to get that pilot slot? My vision sucks (nearsigted, 20/200 corrected 20/20), so i'll be getting the PRK surgery in my junior year. What'll be my chances of getting in with say a 3.5 gpa, in good physical shape, and a pass on my physical? What are some good things to do while im in college to put on my resume? And whats more competitive, navy or marines?


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nobody on this site is going to say getting a pilots slot is EASY, because it is not. It takes hard work getting your body to where it needs to be, getting through college w/ decent grades, being diligent enough to do the paperwork, etc. but if you follow all the right steps and work at everything it should all turn out for the better. as for ERAU DB i think thats a good start, and yes the aero sci program is a good choice. you will have fun doing it, i did. good things to do to put on resume? any physical activity clubs i.e. athletic sports, even if its just intramural, or stuff to do w/ the military, i.e. naval aviation club. I haven't been in d.b. since december, but the word is ERAU DB is getting a Navy ROTC next year, so check into that. Yes, w/ that vision you will have to get prk. 3.5 is hard to get at riddle, but if you work hard and party little, its possible. i graduated w/ a 3.0 in aero sci and three minors. Riddle is expensive to be sure to talk to the recruiter about bcpd program, i didn't know about it then ;(

any other questions about riddle, feel free to email or at vballindaytona@msn.com or vballindaytona9 on aol instant messenger.



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got to understand, pap and i come from ERAU, i.e. 88% male school. Our frats consist of a bunch of guys that invite the school (other guys) to their parties. no offense to you frat boys. if i'd gone to a state college, where men, beer, and women frolic, my opinions of frats may differ ;)


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Hey, I for one pledged a fraternity and droped late in the period right before "crossing" and becoming a brother for reasons seen here in the topic. I learned alot about myself and how stupid I was in dealing with the garbage I went through even though I pledged a well known fraternity at a STATE school never the less.

To add, I found alot of people to be cool at first so I wanted to be a part of the "coolness". Later it was easy to see that alot of people are fake and they were just there to make friends real quick (as I did) thinking it would get them good friends for life. That's a route I deem now best earned with time between friends. Just my 2 cents.

Dont mean to rant about a subject totaly non-aviation or military but since we are discussing it and I feel no one should make the mistake I did, I just flew with it. So my apoligies to all who find this jargon.



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I went to ERAU in DB for two years, left and transferred to University of Maryland, where I'm about to finish up my junior year. If I were to do it all over again, I'd go to a state school, lots of fun, girls, and parties, and just do my flying at a local airport or FBO. It'd also save you and your parents ALOT of money. I'm on the BDCP and will be going to OCS as an AOC on September 6, 2003.


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I was in a Fraternity at the University of Georgia. I was a Pi Kappa Alpha for 3.5 yrs there. You can talk all you want about how your paying for friends and all that crap, but once your in you'll understand it's far from that. I'm sure joining the Navy will be a far superior bond between 2 people, but a fraternity symbolizes brotherhood and loyalty along with many other things. There is more to a fraternity than beer, women, and hazing. We had a many philothropy events and we all volunteered at the local Boys Club. We also had a rugby team along with every other team. I believe that people who rant that you are paying for friends are very ignorant and maybe even jealous. I joined my fraternity because I wanted to be apart of something that was meaningful, kind of like why I am trying to get in the Navy.

Saying that you join a fraternity for friends, beer, and women is like saying your joining the Navy to fly the F/A-18. There is way more to it. Take this as you may, but don't go running your mouth about fraternities. You were probably the kid you wanted to join so bad and no one wanted to take you, now your pissed at the world. We call people like that G.D.I.'s (G@D Damn Independents).

Once again, I am not pointing fingers. Now, lets get back to talking about fast planes and fast women!!




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If you are interested in club activities, try the ERAU Rugby team. Rugby is a lot of fun and I think that it would look pretty good on your application package. In fact, four of the guys on the Prescott team have Navy flight contracts. I know that Daytona has a Rugby team, so if you are interested look into it.

Don’t let anyone dissuade you from playing either. The game is very violent but at the same time it’s a ton of fun. The chances of getting hurt are pretty high, but hell you only live once. Joining a team is kind of like joining a frat. However, we don’t have those stupid fees and instead of rushing like you do for a frat. You show your desire of being on the team by how you perform on the field. Give your 110% (i.e. knock people out) and everyone on the team will love ya. If nothing else, you increase your alcohol tolerance by a factor of hundreds


You left out Drink lots of beer, and be prepared to do everything as a rooky! Pap I played hooker, and flank for Texas Tech. It was a blast!!!!! And he is right, and chics love to come to Rugby parties, and you will find that Rugby guys don't care anything about your social status, or your grades, or anything, just how much effort you put into things and you participation.


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Finally, another Texas Tech Alum getting in on the action. I was starting to get tired of all this UF, ER crap floating around the forum. Nice to see someone from a real school on the program.


What Year were you in? By the way, how weird is it that my surname is also Stevenson? And my degree is MIS. I graduated May 1999. Good to meet you. *laughs* So Matt if I get in, I expect as much gouge as possible right? ;)

Edited by - ghost_ttu on 05/06/2002 23:29:56


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Well I guess your football coach did come from Kansas State University,LOL. But I am glad we (KSU) don't have to play you guys in regular season play for the next two years. I don't know how any of our teams will do this year. A lot of players are leaving this semester. Oh by the way, which BIG 12 school had the most players get picked up in the NFL Draft? KSU Baby!!

GM2(SW) Hosehead


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"At any rate I will give as much help as I can. The funny thing is that for some of you guys just starting out, well you might see me as one of your instructors one day."



Speaking of this, I will go into primary already having my private, but my recruiter says to keep my mouth shut. So in him saying this, is he telling me that when anyone (including my onwing) asks me if I have had any flight training before that I should lie and say no? He says if I tell them that they will grade me harder, and it's in my benefit to just shut up. Any comments?
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