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How does this medical history thing work?

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Registered User
How can the Navy check your medical history for pilot candidates?

Do they check with your insurance companies? Or do they have a national system of health records?



low bypass axial-flow turbofan with AB driver
When signing up for your MEPS physical, your recruiter will help you fill out a form that details any medical issues you've had in the past. The questions are things like: "Do you have or have your ever had joint problems?" There is a list of about 70 things they ask about and it pretty much covers everything (one question even asks about missing testicles).

I'm dealing with a "history of asthma" problem right now. I don't have asthma and never had, but I had a minor breathing problem over 10 years ago. Anyway, so when I answered yes to the breathing problem question, my recruiter checked with MEPS and said they want to see my medical records from that time. Sucks because medical records are not flattering. Even if you're a perfectly healthy athletic individual, your medical records are basically a list of everything that has EVER gone wrong with you and present only one side of the story.

Now, I could claim to not be able to find those records, but MEPS would be suspicious about any ailments that you write down on this form. Anyway, I guess it comes down to a "How honest do you want to be" issue?

I'm not in the military yet, but I imagine if you don't tell them about a problem, and then you start having convulsions in the cockpit, you might be held liable if the military ever finds out about it.

Best advice is to be honest with everything. There are waivers for some ailments. While it may take more effort in the short run, it might save your life and the lives of other people in the future.

Also, on a side note, you only have to post your question in one forum. Everybody will see it regardless of where you post it.

Edited by - airgreg on 05/09/2002 09:30:22


Registered User
I am sure that if G-D forbid something happens to "you" during OCS or even worse Flight School, conserning a medical condition you just developed at the time, you cant be held accountable. I would think that if the same were to happen to someone who knew about it then he/she cant be held accountable either, because the military cannot know whether it is new or a reaccuring condition you've had since you were a kid.

Reason I say this is my HS teacher went to AOCS and flight school. He later was attrited because he had a stomach disorder that cause him to vomit alot. He knew of it but never had it "officialy" documented. So he let it go and did well up until acro, which is where he attrited. So I would think it is best to speak the truth so you dont waste your time or the taxpayers. If you had a condition documented just get a second and third opinion by private physicians. Get tested and see. Dont wait until flight school where money is wasted and peoples lives are in danger.

Just a story but I dont know much but what he had told me so as always its just my .2cents

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