You'll get winged at NAS P-Cola.
About 18 mos. from API to wings.
You'll do primary & intermediate in VT-4 or -10. You'll fly the T-6 and the T-1.
Advanced is at VT-86. You'll fly the T-39.
After reattacks (a basic intro to air-to-air stuff) you'll select... either Bones or Strike Eagles. If you get strike (B-1s) you'll get your wings and move on. If you go fighter (F-15s) you'll do some more air to air stuff in the T-39, get winged and move on.
Basically, you'll be in P-Cola from API until wings. Just to give you a time line, I started API in Feb '06, primary in VT-4 the first week of May 06, finished intermediate about a week before Thanksgiving, and I'll be winged in July, weather and God willing. That includes Christmas break, rolling a couple classes (once for a baby, once for my own stupidity). I went strike, and I'm Navy. All in all, I am taking about 6 weeks longer than the AF guys I started with that got -15s. Taking me about 17-18 months.
Hope that helps.