New Member
In Intel, it is stated they prefer political science majors and the like. I majored in sociology. Does this fit their requirement, or is it a very strict requirement?
Yeah, I haven't been working in an intel related field. In fact, I just graduated from school and much of my work experience is blue-collar type technical stuff.
Well, I hate to keep beating this dead horse, but the standard answer in these parts is: you can't know until you apply. Put your dream choice down at the top of your sheet, and figure out whether you care more about that one choice, or about being a naval officer at all. I was accepted for BDCP Intel, and I only had one choice listed on my application (I am a PoliSci/History student).
They will take your WHOLE application into consideration, so concentrate on making every aspect of it as strong as possible (OAR/ASTB score, LORs, Interviews (which will help a lot), etc) and if you're non-select, keep trying. Some folks don't get in until their third application (I was lucky enough to get in on my first) so don't give up easily.
To make your self more competitive, try getting interviews from high ranking officers.
That wouldn't have even occurred to me, lol. Thank God for AirWarriors
I will have to get on that, then. Thanks for the advice. I assume there's paperwork? Would the OR have that?
You look good for SWO.