USMC Bound
Registered User
Hey folks. I am just in the bigining stages of attempting to obtain a dream of becoming a USMC pilot of any kind. I have been looking over ASTB study guides and have been pretty overwhelmed. I am not a very good test taker and my gift is definatly not memorization and recolection for test taking. My question to all of you who have taken the exam is how smart do you have to be. I only have a 2.3 in college (even though it was a private school with tough accedemics). I am wondering how smart is the avarage usmc pilot. Obviously they dont put idiots in the cocpit but I am just wondering. I know I have a slight chance, maybe. I guess I am just trying to get my self psyched for the ASTB. I know the physical stuff I can prepare for much easier than the exam. I am willing to work very very hard but I just dont know if that will cut it or not. Let me know your thoughts and if anyone else can relate. Thanks!!