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How tough is it to get into

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Registered User
How tough is it to get into NROTC at an acreddited college? If it's a fairly easy college, is it still tough to get into an NROTC? Hwo tough is their scholarship?

What about OCS? Is that tought to get into?

Alex Fowler

Registered User
I got a NROTC scholarship to my first-choice school (Boston U.) next fall with about a 3.2-3.3 GPA (admittedly at a school w/ a reputation for grading very tough), 1480 on SATs (760 V, 720 M), a few extra-curriculars but nothing really outstanding (winter track, JV lacrosse, Model UN, VP of Mock Trial). My interview and essays did go very well I thought, but I think my reccomendations were split (didn't see either of them but I would predict that my English teacher gave me a good one and my math teacher a not so good one). Anyway, if you work hard a ROTC scholarship is definitely attainable--altho the application deadline for this year was in November I think, so the effects of 9/11 on the number of people applying for scholarships won't be fully seen until next year, and they might be harder to come by.

Dan, you're interested in USNA right (seem to remember that from your posts at military.com)?? On the application it asks you if you're applying to any of the service academies, not sure if that will affect your chances for a scholarship, altho they may be a little reluctant to give a slot to someone they think is going to attend USNA anyway.

Good luck and hope to serve w/ you in the future,


"It's a beautiful day, don't let it get away"-U2

Alex Fowler

Registered User
I should mention that altho I will be part of the NROTC unit at BU, I will be attending Boston College and not the other so-called "university" on Commonwealth Ave. :D

Also, as F18wannabe said, even if you don't get a scholarship you can take the NS classes and join the program if you go to a college with a program (or a crosstown affiliate), plus you can apply for a scholarship starting in your sophomore or junior year.


"It's a beautiful day, don't let it get away"-U2


Registered User
Ok, so it wasn't so tough? I am a freshman in high school, so I can apply for a NROTC scholarship next year? I haven't even taken my SATs or anything... are they tough? i am taking a Bio SAT II this year, but that's all that was availiable to me for my grade. Thanks for your help Alex.

Alex Fowler

Registered User
Wouldn't say that it wasn't tough, just that I wouldn't think that my grades, etc were THAT great. Altho MrSWO said on the military.com boards that the applicant pool is larger than USNA (and fewer spots available), I had no idea that was the case.

SATs aren't that bad...just get a study guide or 2 and go thru the exercises in there. The math is very basic, mostly algebra, trig, and geometry, which I'm a lot better at than calculus. You should be taking the toughest classes you can (AP and honors) and if you're doing this, whatever you've learned in school by the time you take the SAT (probably midway thru junior year) should be more than enough for the test. Might want to even brush up on stuff you learned freshman and sophomore year. For verbal, vocab is nice but if you get grammar, etc down flat you're good to go. Also take SAT 2s and do well on them, since it does a better job than the 1 of showing what you've actually learned in class, as opposed to natural intelligence.

You should probably submit your scholarship as early as possible. Go to the NROTC website at the beginning of your junior year and ask them to send you a brochure and pre-application. Just fill it out and they'll notify you by mail for everything after that--they'll send you your regular application when it's time for that and after they get it you'll get a letter asking you to set up your interview appointment. I sent in my full application I think around December of my junior year, and my interview was in April or May. I got all my stuff in pretty much as early as possible, you should probably do the same unless your grades are slipping and you need an extra semester to pull them back up.

Anyway, if you have any more questions about the scholarship process or anything else feel free to post here or on military.com, or e-mail me at afowler888@aol.com. That being said, you're just a freshman so you don't need to start seriously worrying about this yet; by this time next year you should MAYBE be requesting the pre-application materials. Just sign up for the toughest classes you can, get good grades in them, and you'll be fine.

Good luck

"It's a beautiful day, don't let it get away"-U2


Registered User

Please, for the love of God, don't mention Mr.Swo. I'm sooo glad that there is an Air Warriors Forum so that I can speak with intelligent people that give thoughful and helpful constructive answers to the layperson. Instead HE gets an ego trip by telling people, that obviously are neophytes about the Navy, that they ask stupid questions and/or don't belong. Mr.Swo is in a serious need of an attitude check.

P.S. The preceding was JMHO.

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