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I am sure you get this all the time...


New Member
Sorry I am sure you all have read something like this a million times but I havn't and I really need to know...

Im thinking of joining the Navy and want to fly Jets (like just about everyone else) but I want to know my chances of getting Jets. I am finishing my first BFA degree now in Graphic Design (I know I know) and then I am going to go for a second degree in Aviation. I will finish with both in the next four years at which time I will be 26 going on 27. I am very good at math and physics and am not worried much about the ASTB exams. I am also in great physical condition and will have the next four years to continue training but I do have an issue with my eye sight (not surprising this one would come up again) I have an astigmatism of -.75 and perscription -.75 left eye and -1.00 right eye. I know I meet the requirements 20/40 and I wear soft contacts that are correctable 20/20 but I want to know how many go into training hoping for jets with the same eyesight and age group and actually get jets. I wouldnt mind flying helicopters but it has been a dream to fly jets.

I am new to this forum so please excuse me if you are annoyed with these types of questions. I just want to find out what my REAL chances are and in what areas I need to improve on, test scores I need to get etc., in order to become a Jet Pilot.
