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I could use some advice


New Member
Hey guys, this is my first time on the site and I am so glad that I have found it. I graduated from college this past May and I am going to apply for a commission in the Navy and I really would like a pilot slot. I took the ASTB once but I had no time to prepare or study for it because my recruiter told me just to run up their and take a quick test. I scored a 51 overall with my subscores being all 5s. I have been studying a lot since then and plan to retake the test the first of july after my month waiting period. I had a 3.8 GPA in college and I am in excellent physical health. If I can get my scores up how likely is it that I might be able to get a pilot slot? I know I am a little late in applying and also I saw a psychologist 3 yrs ago in about a month period and he said my anxiety was no more than most and I really didnt need to see them. Later I learned all I needed was to move out from my parents house and that was the cause of my social anxiety b/c they were so strict. Anyway that was three years ago and I have no problems at all with that now but how bad is that going to make me look on the application? Also, do you agree with me that I should retest (I strongly belive after reviewing the study guide material that I can increase my scores alot) Also, I heard it might be better to wait until Oct. to submit my application when the new year begins b/c more spots would be available..is this a good idea? Any advice or comments are welcome.



Teaching MIDN how to drift a BB
Study up and retake the test. As far as your psych issues go, I would talk to your recruiter. I dont recall seeing it asked on the application or epsq, but the meps form asks I believe. Im not sure if waiting till october will make a difference. From how I understand it, the Navy seems to plan years in advance, not for just the next year and so forth. Talk to your recruiter about the psych issues, re-take, get your packet in. Good luck.