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I got NPQ'd for pilot

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Paul Burke

Registered User
Hey everybody I need some input from the outside world right now. I got NPQ'd for my pilot slot and I am going to submit my packet over to become a Supply Officer. Can anyone tell me what the numbers are looking like for supply right now and for the next fiscal year? I am stressing because I am here in OCS right now and have heard horror stories about guys not being able to get another designator. Can someone give me some info about what the deal is?

On a lighter note, Pap is having fun in 25-02 and Mahler and I are rooming together in GTX. I met dcstruble briefly the other day. It's really cool coming here and actually knowing some people. Anyways, PLEASE respond to this thread if you know what the deal is.


Registered User
I'm not in the know and don't know whether this fits your style, but they are always looking for officers at BUDS. Just a thought. It is my backup for a case such as yours.



Registered User
I hope you don't mind me asking, but why did you get NPQ'd for your pilot slot. I don't understand how you can get DPQ'd while at OCS, I mean, I thought you only got DPQ'd at meps and the medical check before you got flight training. Did you do something during OCS that they didn't like? Anyways, good luck with the supply officer thing!

Paul Burke

Registered User
I got NPQ'd because on paper, all the headaches I have ever had in my life are forms of migraines. I never knew that until I got here and the flight surgeon did a whole workup on them. I personally don't think I have migraines but I don't have anything on paper that says I don't have them so I am left with that. It bothers me that I didn't get what I wanted but on the other hand I think God has found a way of giving me what I really need by not becoming a pilot. Anyways, could someone get the low down from their recruiters or something about how Supply looks and what the qualifications for it are. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Registered User
Paul -
I don't have any info on the supply officer stuff (you may want to e-mail Jason Williams - he's TAD to the Phx NRD), but I had a question about the headaches. I used to get a lot of them when I was younger (probably from alergies), but they used to call them migranes - even though they were never diagnosed as such. I rarely, if ever have them anymore, but was that kind of like what happened to you? Did you put down that you used to get a lot of headaches on your medical forms? Thanx!

- spider


Registered User
As a former supply officer I can tell you that getting in is pretty much automatic(if the slots are available). The only people I have heard of that haven't gotten picked up are those that had trouble speaking english. If you have a respectable grade point average and a business background your package will be even more attractive but it's not necessary.
Have you also been NPQ'd for an NFO slot? If not I would sure take a look at that before jumping out of the aviation community!
One last thing, IF YOU WANT TO BE A PILOT DON'T STOP FIGHTING NOW!!! One doctors work ups don't have to mean the end of a dream. I'd look for another opinion and find someone to help you out.
Good luck with whatever you choose.
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