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I need some help...again

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Paul Burke

Registered User
Hey everybody,

I got a bit of a pickle to deal with here and need some input from those in the know. I got NPQ'd from my pilot slot by NOMI and I just learned today that I did not get picked up by Supply. From what I have been told, it is because there are no more billets available right now. Has anyone ever heard of anyone getting sent home from OCS and been able to return? Does anyone have any ideas about what I could do? I've already talked to my recruiter and he is looking into it. Does anyone know of anything I can do?


Registered User
Paul, so sorry to hear the bad news, man. I wish I could offer some advice about what your options are. If you don't mind my asking, why did you get NPQ'd? Was it a complete surprise?


Registered User
From the sound it you are in OCS. Either way, a friend of mine when I was in OCS got NPQ'd from pilot during week 4 for Migrains. Tried to pick up an intel slot and got denied. So they let him go home for a few weeks to decide whether or not he wanted to take a Supply billet or a SWO billet. In the end he decided to not to accept a commission and went back to the civilian world.


Registered User
What was the reason for the NPQ? If there are no slots open for supply, is there anything else open? Does the Navy not help at all when a situation like this arises? It seems to me that if you are NPQ but still want to be a Naval Officer, they should try to find you a spot somewhere.

Paul Burke

Registered User
I got NPQ'd because on paper it says I have migraines and I don't have anything on paper that says I don't. Supply, Crypto, and Intel are the only things I am qualified for because of it. From what I understand right now, they are going to send me home but I will be able to come back to OCS by going through the whole application process again. Have you ever heard of anyone doing that?


Registered User
Paul - Were you ever diagnosed with migranes (sp?)? How long did you have them? I ask because I used to have headaches a lot as a kid (which everyone called migraines - but never diagnosed as such), but I haven't had any since I was in grade school (around age 12).

BTW - Good luck with everything!

- spider

Edited by - spidrwmn on 07/18/2002 12:13:51


Registered User
I'm sorry to hear that. It makes me kinda worry about my situation. didn't the Navy already know about the migraines before you got accepted for a pilot slot? If so, then I'm worried sick because I had ACL surgery in '96 and maybe they'll NPQ me because of it too. I'm assuming the Navy knew that when they offered me the slot but maybe that was a ploy just to get me in, hopefully not. If anyone has any input on this I'd appreciate it.

Edited by - SmithS on 07/18/2002 12:51:55

Paul Burke

Registered User
I always figured that it was tougher to get selected to Air Force OCS than Navy. Has that changed? If so, what are their requirements?


Registered User
Hell no, AF is still way harder. they have very few classes a year. they also want a more technical degree for the most part.

Matt L.

Paul Burke

Registered User
That's what I thought. I am still in the process of trying to fight the NPQ. The way it looks is that if I don't get the waiver then I will be out of the Navy so I am giving it all I got to get that waiver. If anyone knows of someone who has fought an NPQ and won I'd love to hear that story.

Dave Shutter

Registered User
I've met tons of Navy SNA's (like me) with non-tech and Liberal Arts BA's but practically no AF guys w/o a tech degree. I'm sure it's not impossible to get an AF without one but I wouldn't bet on it, their app asks for a whole lot more Boy Scout type stuff and then there's that lovely test.
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