The sailor’s creed already says “I am committed to excellence and the fair treatment of all.” COs can just reinforce what that truly means, from time to time.Just saw this on the news. My first thought was YHGTBFSM . . . . but then I thought maybe I'll get some input from those still in uniform. Thoughts ???
The sailor’s creed already says “I am committed to excellence and the fair treatment of all.” COs can just reinforce what that truly means, from time to time.
This “Task Force” came to our squadron and refused to speak to anyone that was not a minority.
I volunteered, was on the list/sked, then CMC had to come find me and say I wasn’t welcome to share my experience/opinions (raised as a minority, in one of the poorest towns with the least opportunity in America, having led V-2 and been the MO, had unique insight on leading those from underserved backgrounds)
They can get fucked.
That to me would be grounds for an IG complaint, if people were turned away based on their sex or skin color.This “Task Force” came to our squadron and refused to speak to anyone that was not a minority.
Nice speech, coach. Gave me goosebumps.Just saw this ...
This “Task Force” came to our squadron and refused to speak to anyone that was not a minority.
No clue, never met them...I flew instead.Holy buzzwords, Batman...
That pledge is so full of politically-correct-isms that it loses all meaning and memorability. Smacks of someone's "feel good" political measure, e.g. "hey look! We did something!"
I'm reminded by a political effort to reduce certain types of discrimination a couple of administrations ago. My CO at the time boiled the required 90 minutes of training down to "Treat everyone with dignity and respect. Questions?" The sailors' general attitude was "We don't judge people's background, we just want people to pull their weight in the shop. Can we go back to work now?"
That sounds pretty awful. I would have had some choice words for whoever was running that task force... "with all due respect..."
Out of curiosity, were they military or civilian?