If you are going to be SNA, then I agree with the recommendation to wait for your wings, take a multiple choice test, and walk away with your Commercial certificate.
If you are SNFO, I don't think can do the same thing. Part 61.73 talks about military pilots, not NFOs.
PPL requirements can be found in the FAR Part 61, Subpart E. There's a long list of knowledge, profiency and experience you need. Talk to your CFI about it. But, basically, you'll need a minimum of 40 hours flight time, 20 of which needs to be dual instruction. That's the minimum. Most people require a bit more time. 60-65 hours total is pretty typical. You can use your IFS training towards your PPL. Keep your log books and get a copy of your training record from your CFI if you are going to finish your training somewhere other than where you are doing IFS.