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Im 27 and in the process of applying to OCS as an aviaton or Supply


New Member
Is 27 the max age to apply as an aviator? I will be 28 in June and I should have my application and everything else turned in by the end of the week. Should I forget about aviation? I've been tossing around aviation and supply corp. I figured supply corp would be more beneficial for the civilian world but aviation could be my one chance to do something really cool. What do you guys think?
I know one thing....right now I'm working a dead-end, 40 hour a week job and about to finish up my Masters in Project Management. I've been applying to jobs for months now and can't even get a phone call back, much less an interview. This has prompted me to say f**k it and join the Navy. Need some direction though



Well-Known Member
I've been applying to jobs for months now and can't even get a phone call back, much less an interview. This has prompted me to say f**k it and join the Navy. Need some direction though

27 is too old for Pilot. You could become a Naval Flight Officer. The age limit is 29 for NFOs.

I would warn you against using the 'fuck it' mentality towards becoming an officer. That's not the greatest motivation and it will show to your Officer Recruiter and Enlisted personnel later on, should you get that far. I just got Pro-Rec'd for Pilot out of the Charlotte OR's office and I can tell you that if you said the above qoute to them then they probably wouldn't give you the time of day. This isn't some job you can go get because there was nothing better out there for you. If you don't consider becoming a Naval Officer the best job ever, then maybe it's not the right choice for you.


New Member
Ill have to agree with jtmedli that aviation is out of the question and you need to change your mentality on why you want to join. Im only in the process of applying and have been getting rolled from one board to the next. I dont know much but I can tell you that the 'fuck it' thing will not fly. There are a lot of great canidates applying with genuine reasons to be in the navy.

The whole process to be selected is a long road and can be very frustrating just like finiding any other job, but this one will take a lot of effort and determination on your part. Officer recruiters are not going to hold your hand ethier and walk you through it. If your only reason for joining is employment you need to do a lot of thinking and maybe look elsewhere. Read around on here this isnt your typical job.

Like I said I dont know much and this is just my opinion. Good luck


New Member
Come on guys. I didn't mean it like that. I not just saying "fuck it, i'm tired of looking for a job so I guess I'll become a naval aviator". I have put a lot of thought into it and will continue to put thought into it because I won't finish my masters until August. I do know one thing and that is that I'm tired of the rat-race 9 to 5 job that I've been working for the last 5 years and that is what drew me to the Navy. The unrivaled in the civilian world experience, the traveling, the friends that are made and the experiences you have with them, etc. I figured I would get the application process started and take it from there such as getting as much valuable info from this website as possible.


Come on guys. I didn't mean it like that. I not just saying "fuck it, i'm tired of looking for a job so I guess I'll become a naval aviator". I have put a lot of thought into it and will continue to put thought into it because I won't finish my masters until August. I do know one thing and that is that I'm tired of the rat-race 9 to 5 job that I've been working for the last 5 years and that is what drew me to the Navy. The unrivaled in the civilian world experience, the traveling, the friends that are made and the experiences you have with them, etc. I figured I would get the application process started and take it from there such as getting as much valuable info from this website as possible.
This website is a good source for that. However, sometimes people get a little agitated. You see, the NAVY is a pretty tight community, especially aviation, so sometimes people on here will come off as a little anal towards the "new guy". No harm intended, I had my ass chewed a couple of times on here by the old timers, it is part of the process so don't take it to heart man! I hope you figure out your calling! Good Luck