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I'm nervous

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Registered User
I applied a week ago. And am waiting for the word. I'm going for a AMDO, Supply, or SWO slot. (I know this is a pilot/nfo type forum, but there aren't any other good OCS forums)anyway I was wondering on how long it usually takes for a response from Millington? Just to share stats:

Prior Navy AD3 (jet mechanic), OAR 43(know I'm stupid, I suck, I should just shoot myself) 3.25 GPA in Aeronautics at Embry-Riddle. PRT 67 push-ups, 82 situps, 11:45 run time.

Looking at a lot of other scores on this forum I feel mine aren't as competitive. Hopefully the comopetition is less for Non-pilot/NFO jobs. (i didn't want to be those two anyway) I really want to be an officer though. what sucks is my GPA will go up 2 points after this week but, due to a slow azz system they will take a month to get a transcript out. Anybody think I should retake the OAR? anybody thoughts on this post would be appreciated

have I got a long way to run...


Gotta have the Nutz
If your goal is just to get a comission, call Ed the applications guy and he will submit yoour package to any career field that will look at it. He is very helpful, just give him a call. All your stats look good. They realize that we(active duty) have day jobs and take that into consideration. Don't sweat what you can't control. Good luck, Rob


Registered User

Looks like you've got a competitive package. Good luck to you. I've got supply as my second choice too.


Registered User
thanks guys for your input. man I know AE is a rate...... but I can't remember what they did......................oh yeah!!..........I remember.............nothing....

have I got a long way to run...


Registered User
hey sonny looking at your quals. I think you would get Supply for sure. Hopefully you get your first choice.

have I got a long way to run...


Registered User
Hey Goliath,

You are in good shape - I got pilot with a 2.7 GPA (Aeronautical Science at ERAU Prescott), 62 pushups, 70 situps, and 11:30 on the run. Although I did do good on the test (don't remember the score, but my recruiter said it was outstanding). ...and I was not prior Navy.

Good luck to you.

Jack Szarkowski


Registered User
thanks man. Hey you go to in ERAU Prescott huh? thats cool. I went through Embry-Riddle via the Hawaii and Maine Extended Campuses. BS in Professional Aeronautics (the most common Extended Campus degree program. next to Aviation Maintenance Management) thanks for sharing your stats. and input

have I got a long way to run...


Registered User
thanks man. Hey you go to in ERAU Prescott huh? thats cool. I went through Embry-Riddle via the Hawaii and Maine Extended Campuses. BS in Professional Aeronautics (the most common Extended Campus degree program. next to Aviation Maintenance Management) thanks for sharing your stats. and input

have I got a long way to run...

Hey me too! Through the Fairchild AFB extended campus; Pro Aero. Yes it is a very common degree program. I am appling for a Pilot only slot, I had to retake the test because they lost my anwser sheet, so I am still waiting to hear.


Registered User
LOL ... doing nothing is what happens when Maintenance decides to keep the whole shift at the hanger till the AD's get done monkeying around with your engines and MAF's and by the time we're done supervising your Maintenance turn and thats done, day check is walking into the hanger, and is done with FOD walkdown.

Besides, we do stuff. Drink coffee, read the paper, walk back and forth to the smoke pit, walk into the Airframe shop with the AO's and get into big shop rumbles then tape the AD's into shop chairs upside down and roll them into Maintenance Control...

"Valion310 drinking beer-"

thanks guys for your input. man I know AE is a rate...... but I can't remember what they did......................oh yeah!!..........I remember.............nothing....

have I got a long way to run...


Registered User
The one thing AE's don't do is fix anything. If you want that done you go get an AT. We don't use our fingers to check for voltage. LOL That's great, I haven't made fun of an AE in years. I am trying to finish up on my Pro Aero degree right now. It's great to hear all the other prior guys on here that are going in with the same notches on their belt. Goliath, I hope you get what you want there and I just want you to know that I won't pick on you like Valion does. I always used to feel kind of bad when we would tie up AD's in laundry bags and leave 'em hanging from the overhead while we went and got chow. AHH the good 'ole days. Let use know if you get any word on your APP. -MARTI


Registered User
LOL @ marti ... Hey now, I thought us Avionics guys were suppose to stick together when it came to department rumbles. Anyway, didn't you twiek's use "something else" to read out your wires,

AT1: "Hey, stick yur toung on that there connector!"
AT2: "Ookay ..." (sticks tounge to Radar connector into Main B Bus..) "Umm-ayy ... iitsss ooonnnnn."

AT1: "Okay, stick on some of that there power!" (Hooks test box reader to another connector)
ATAA: "Okie-dokie Petty Officer." (flips on main external power)


AE Shop: (laughs)

AD Shop: Hanging from pylon strut, each one taped to broom sticks and acting as make shift AO weapon mounts.

Anyway, ya, I'm stoked that we've got such a great prior enlisted crew with us on here. I'll look forward to trading sea stories with you guys once we're all back in and apart of the Dark Side ...

Valion310 out-

Edited by - Valion310 on 09/05/2002 22:40:16
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