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I'm out of here

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Well it is with a heavy heart that I say 'farewell'. I got that dread call yesterday--"Unfortunately, you weren't selected." To be quite honest, I wasn't really surprised. Recent scuttlebutt about fiscal year needs and billet close outs helped me temper my overall enthusiasm with a guarded, yet realistic attitude towards my chances.
I would reapply but unfortunately I can't retake the ASTB, which is what I think hampered my kit, until after January 2003, and I need to get a better grasp on the present before my future passes me on by. So I am going to do something a little provacative for many out there--I am going to re-enlist in the Marines and try and get some career momentum on the inside. I am motivated--obviously right--but I am all about improving myself, and taking advantage of any opportunity to acquire another skill. So good luck to all of you with kits under consideration and those of you waiting to submit. Keep your heads up.
Oh yeah, almost forgot--I applied for 1)SWO, 2)Supply, and 3)Intel. I could not tell you any of my ASTB scores--I do not think they were very competitive though--just enough to meet the minimum. I sure do hate math.



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Taking into consideration the current needs of the Navy--quite possibly for the next year or two--it does not look good for the billets I am looking to enter--SWO and Supply--even Intel, which selects maby 86 candidates each fiscal year. No one is getting out and everybody wants in, which only a year ago was very problematic for the Navy. I can remember when I first started looking at the Navy back in 1999--they were begging for pilots--incidentally that was my original choice--and now for all billets the needs have dwindled to almost a trickle--and we are still competing against the Academy and established NROTC programs.
I do not want to sound pessimistic or anything--and I realize that I could reapply--I am not afraid or worried--but I am concerned about the utility of putting my life on hold again for another couple of months--quite possibly a year, considering even if I am accepted, I may not go to OCS until late 2003 or even 2004. I can't treat my long range goals like a poker game. I could play the odds and hope that the cards fall in my favor the second time around but I don't like to gamble, and this ain't Vegas. My plan, as simple as it sounds but no easy task in itself, is to re-enlist, go to my MOS school acquire a new skill, get some fleet time while trying to get started on my Masters and submit for the enlisted/commissioning program, MECP. The benefits of being an active duty Marine are pretty good--depending on how you look at them. I was there before and took them for granted--you realize that once you get out and go back into the civilian world. What once would have bothered me or even bored me--youthfulness is wasted on the youth--will seem like a cakewalk compared to my mundane routine of today. I talked to a Marine OSO back in August--and he informed me that the Marines were not accepting anything from the civilian pool except aviators. He did tell me though that the Marines are encouraging enlisted Marines to go to school and get their degrees--they really want to stick with internal promotions. I am not saying this will be the easiest way to get a commission, in fact, it could backfire and I could get denied entrance through MECP as well, but right now my choices are somewhat limited--the problem with time is it is always ticking away. I could think of worse things to do with the next four years of my life. I really want to improve my ASTB scores and apply for SNA through the Marines. I actually have given this decision a good bit of thought and was considering this avenue of approach when I first began the process with the Navy recruiter. I may look at reserve officer slots though--I need to investigate the option in more detail. The question is how bad do we want something?



Registered User
What were your stats kraemer? You said you couldn't remember your ASTB scores, but what were the other stats?

Pain...is weakness leaving the body


Registered User
Kraemer, good luck bud. There is nothing wrong with re-enlisting, I've almost gone down that route several times to work the inside lanes. Best of luck to ya and don't quit, they'll say yes eventually just to get you out of their hair ... LOL[^]

A quick joke since your going Marines:
The flap on the Navy enlisted dress blues with the 13 buttons. Whats it used for?

A bib for Marines...

Valion310 slightly laughing at his lame humor -


Registered User
Good luck Kraemer. I for one think that you are doing the right thing. I know what you mean by taking things for granted when you where a young E. Now you get to go back with both eyes wide open, and though your starting from the bottom again I am sure that you will sling shot past everyone else. Keep your eye on the ball and good luck.

Ding Ding, Ding Ding, Kraemer77 departing


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My former LPO (E6) was also turned down on his first try. After finishing his masters in business they gave him his commission as an
O-2E in the supply corps. Sweet...[:p]

We are on the same boat but I have to get out to complete my degree. I only need to attend school for 3 semesters to complete my semi technical then apply back. Anyways, Godbless!


Registered User
Why get out? Does the school not have an extended program? If so then they might offer classes online and you wouldn't have to get out.

Pain...is weakness leaving the body


Registered User
I did almost my entire BS in Computer science while on active shore duty and still finished with a GPA of 3.97. It is possible!



Registered User
I am getting very close to the age limit for SNA. Plus deployment (OEFreedom) and overseas tour (not my choice) hindered my plans..I am not complaining. In fact I would go back to the fleet/ or overseas if I get my commission while "in". And yeah, overseas was the best!

I also only have one chance to apply for the STA-21 to get SNA. Acceptance thru STA is not easy either. If I get out I could complete my degree in 3 sems and still get 2 chances of applying thru OCS, get my private license, instrument and whatnot.

My original major was in Engineering but had to switch to an easier and shorter one - BS in Math. Re-enlisting will mean longer than 3 sems and might have to go back to a shore duty.

Like Kraemer77 , I wish I've known what I wanted today. For the last couple of months I've been telling E4,3,2,1's under me to plan for their future seriously[}:)]. And tell them about the oppurtunities out there (commissioning, academy...)

There are "small" schools around my area which has one subject per month curriculum (which will make things even easier) but I don't know if the Navy realy respects/accepts those degrees.
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