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Important Marine Air question

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No go on flight...JAG???
I'v been looking at some of the GPAs/scores/stats for the marine ocs applicants, and I have to admit, i'm kindof surprised at how low some of them are. No offense (i'm low too, that's why i'm asking), but it SEEMS like the case that its easier to get a flight spot with them, just tougher to keep cuz its Marines?? Am I way off? If so, please explain some of the low numbers i'm seeing in the OCS 187 thread.


Marines do not want the smart kid, because you know what? banging and smarking the stick has little or no math invovled except for that determing factor, your B@lls


Registered User
You're right, the Marine Corps looks at the big picture but a big chunk of that picture is physical fitness. Your Marines will see you leading them during PT and will admire your physical strentgh but they will never know what your GPA was. Your troops will also respect you for who you are and what you have done to earn their respect, and still, they will have never seen your stats and scores. There is alot more to it than stats, scores and a PFT. But as much as you dislike it, PFT is a big part. In the warrior's business, that's just the way it is.
If somebody is looking for the service that will demand less of them, i.e. 1.5 miles vs 3 miles, then they don't belong in the Marine Corps to begin with. If the Marine Corps didn't demand so much from their Marines, then it wouldn't be The Few, The Proud.


Damn Mike, you know 300 PFTers knocked out!? I thought that was almost a given in regards to getting in. Damn, my 295 isn't looking so good now...


To be honset with you, I have been in the Corp for 4 years. On the Air wing side, the only time you see your OIC's really lead is during the PFT's. We do not have the many options ground troops might have. If your OIC cannot run 3 mile in less than 19, then you know he or she is weak. Officers are expected to be in shape. And that is what really sets the Marine Corp apart from anyone really. The Airforce looks at your nice G.P.A and all that good stuff, but you know what, whos is out there right now getting shot out. What branch of service is out there on the high see launching Aircrafts left and right on the catapult, making mission the Marine Corp and the Navy. The Airforce can only operate from land bases and are so not effective.
A leaders physical strength shows that he has taken time from his personal time to make sure that he is meeting Marine Corp standards.
-just my 2 piece


Its competitive now, thats for sure. And theres alot of kids with lower stats on this board, but that doesnt mean theyre getting in either. I hope I get the shot..
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