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In Between OCS and College graduations

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Registered User
Weird question. If i do the PLC program (10 Week in summer of '05), and still have a year of college left after i grad from OCS, do i get commissioned when i grad from OCS or from college?

Does anyone have any experience with this?


Registered User
I think that kind of stinks, becuase at the recruit depots that is like the climax of the training. From what ive been hearing it seems as if OCS lacks those little things that the MCRD's have, like when you recieve your eagle globe, and anchor and you dont get a classic Marine portrait like the enlisted guys do. It just seems to me that OCS doesnt seem to be quite as "indoctrinating" as the depots.

BTW- i do understand why they dont commission you after OCS because if you for some reason fail college, but i still think that it stinks.


Registered User
i graduated from seniors this summer and am currently in candidate purgatory, waiting until may to accept my commission.

it's an odd no-mans-land, but at least i know what i'm doing when i'm out. i've just been having fun this year (college is soooo easy after i've graduated from OCS)


New Member
Next time you're thinking about being in candidate purgatory, remember that some MECEP students don't get commissioned until THREE YEARS after they finish OCS. That's a healthy little wait to crush your spirit.

Anyway, I agree that OCS didn't have all the pomp and circumstance surrounding it like the depot did. Of course, if you go to Brown Field they tell you, this is where we screen candidates to become Marine officers. Nothing fancy or frilly. However, you may hear either depot referred to as a "showplace of the Marine Corps". That can't even be argued. I enjoyed MECEP Prep for the simple fact that I was finally on a base (MCRD SD) that took extreme pride in its appearance (for recruit graduation) and functionality (training recruits). Not saying other places aren't nice. But other bases I've been are (rightfully so) more concerned with keeping training areas in usable condition, mission capability, and security, than cutting the grass twice each week.

I'm sure I was going somewhere with this......okay. I definitely felt more of a change from boot camp than OCS. But I went to boot camp at age 17 and OCS at age 27. So I had matured a little in between. At boot camp I was a country bumpkin raised on a dairy farm, looking like a beach ball with lips. At OCS I was a little smaller, a lot older, and a little quicker on my feet. So it wasn't the culture shock that I experienced at San Diego. But I did learn from it.

Anyway, I keep getting further and further off topic. Threadjack stops......here.


Registered User
thanks for the help guys...that cleared up some questions that i have been having...

Hopefully i won't be waiting that long. I only have 8 classes left. So the end of the tunnel is in site. :)


New Member
Wait wait wait. Your user name has "Midshipman" in the title. But you're asking about PLC-if you get commissioned after OCS or after college graduation. Then you go on to say that you have 8 classes left? Left from what? Between now and OCS or between OCS and college graduation?
Besides, unless you're on the quarter system, 8 classes will probably still take you a year to finish.


Registered User
Crowbar said:
Wait wait wait. Your user name has "Midshipman" in the title. But you're asking about PLC-if you get commissioned after OCS or after college graduation. Then you go on to say that you have 8 classes left? Left from what? Between now and OCS or between OCS and college graduation?
Besides, unless you're on the quarter system, 8 classes will probably still take you a year to finish.

About six years back, i was shooting for the academy. And i chose the screenname. And it stuck. I have 8 classes left (i go to the university of west florida) and we are on the semester system. And if i do ocs in the summer, i won't graduate until spring of 06 (its a complex scheduling FUBAR). And those 8 classes are between now and my college graduation.


Getting some since 1775
As I like to think of it, when you grad. OCS (srs or PLC-C) you are a Lieutenedate (1/2 LT 1/2 Candidate). I am supposed to be graduating Spring of 06 but it looks like I'll be in school an extra quarter. Is that a big deal? I think i can still walk in Spring 06 but i won't get my degree until Fall 06 (hopefully, i wanna get my bars ASAP. i don't want to spend more time at school than needed, although Santa Barbara/Isla Vista is fun)


OCC-169 Grad
If you're graduation date changes, you just need to inform your OSO. Therefore, he can change your dates of assessment into the Marine Corps. It's not a big deal. I hope that answers your question.
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