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In Case of Emergency


livin' the dream
I won't get into details, but I was wondering how accommodating the Navy (the real Navy, as in after ROTC) is in terms of family emergencies? Does it depend on your command? Would they grant emergency leave to be with a family member?



New Member
If you need emergency leave for a death or imminent death in the family or some other crises that obviously requires your immediate attention, then yes, the Navy will be accommodating. In fact, if your family ever needs to contact you ASAP and arrange leave, then they can go through their local Red Cross who will help make everything happen. There are even times when they will arrange priority transport on a Space-A aircraft if one can be found.

Keep in mind that an “emergency” is something an ordinary and reasonable person would agree requires your immediate attention, not what you might consider to me an emergency, such as your wife is leaving you or your sister is about to become a porno star!

Hope this answers your question?!?!


Registered User
In my experiences Emergency Leave is just that...Emergency. I had absolutely no problem getting to my family members bedside. I cannot however speak to being deployed, so I will let someone with more experience continue this.


New Member
Something you want to share with the group or do we have to google?
HA! Smart-ass... No, actually, I can't see my brother as a porn-star, but if he ever pulled it off, then more power to him. I don't think it's in the genetics though...LOL!


Enjoying the real world
Your best bet is to let your COC know in advance of your problem/potential problem. If you don't want to do that yet and you are wondering if your situation really fits the Navy's concept of a family emergency then either post a general description or PM the details to one of us older types and we can probably give you a decent guess of how your command will react.


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
This probably doesn't apply to your situation now, but just more info for down the road... Emergency leave is not guaranteed. Also, a Red Cross message doesn't make the leave a sure thing, especially on deployment. Sometimes operations and/or logistics just don't allow it.


Different branch but my good friends mother had a stroke last spring. I found out the day it happend and we contacted the Red Cross. I got a call from him less than 24 hours later somewhere in Iraq from a satalite phone. He was in town less than 48 hours later arriving in the Houston airport in sandy camis, two sea bags, and all gear that wasent serialized. They got him home that quick from a combat zone while being deployed with the Marines. It was an emergency though.


Well-Known Member
I got home in about 5 days from the NAG in 2004 on Emergency Leave, that turned into "End of Cruise" for me.

Friend who's father was very ill, took almost two weeks, as they were off the HOA in 2006.


Registered User
When my grandfather died and my mom called right before my flight. I unsafed myself, got emergency leave approved within hours, and was on a plane the next day. This was TRACOM so the caveat that there is nothing we do that can't be put off until tomorrow applied. Hope things work out for you.

Semper Fi,


he will die without safety brief
Just be aware that for sticklers, "immediate family" is your mom, dad, and siblings. No one else technically qualifies for AMCROSS messages (which is what usually gets you off the boat, were you to be on it), unless they are listed as your next of kin or vice versa.


For extended family that raised you (in loco parentis), you can also get emergency leave.

Most Red Cross messages are legit, family member in critical condition or passed on... we typically give them 14 days leave + 2 travel days while deployed. Only one I have seen not get approved was one where the Red Cross message said family member had a broken hip. Why someone even tried sending that through for emergency leave is beyond me.


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
Just be aware that for sticklers, "immediate family" is your mom, dad, and siblings. No one else technically qualifies for AMCROSS messages (which is what usually gets you off the boat, were you to be on it), unless they are listed as your next of kin or vice versa.

I may be beating a dead horse, but again, just so those that need to know down the road know... An AMCROSS message DOES NOT initiate the emergency leave. It's entirely up to the CO, be it the squadron or the boat (if you're TAD). Unfortunately I had two experiences on cruise where two guys got them (one was legit, one was arguably less so) and both couldn't leave due to location/operational requirements. It sucked, but there was nothing we could do.

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
I may be beating a dead horse, but again, just so those that need to know down the road know... An AMCROSS message DOES NOT initiate the emergency leave. It's entirely up to the CO, be it the squadron or the boat (if you're TAD). Unfortunately I had two experiences on cruise where two guys got them (one was legit, one was arguably less so) and both couldn't leave due to location/operational requirements. It sucked, but there was nothing we could do.