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Inter-service transfer age waiver


Scouts Out!
Hi all. One quick question on interservice transfers if any of you know. I am a pilot in the Army. My job rocks but its going to rock less in about 2 years when I stop flying and start powerpointing. I am committed until 2011, at that time I will be 31. Any idea if there are waivers to SNA age requirements if one is already pilot trained? The literature published by the powers that be seem kind of vague on this issue. Not sure if there is a program where I could go straight in to the RAG seeing as I've already been trained as a military helicopter pilot and am rackin up the combat hours.

Of course, flying over water scares me. Does that matter? :icon_wink jk

PS I know I have a while, but I am sitting in Iraq and there isnt a whole lot else to do other than think about how green the grass is on the other side. Humor me.


New Member
I think MB has the best idea. I went the other way (Navy to Natl Guard), but there was an ex-Huey driver in my Navy helo class. I would say it can be done. All it takes is time and paperwork. Isn't that the way it is with everything?