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Interest in Becoming a NFO

VFA-203 Forever

So You Like To Put fishsticks in your mouth?
Hey Guys,

Just posting this for a buddy of mine as he couldn't get the verification code to work on his registration, I told him for the love of God search first to make sure it hasn't been covered, If it has, My apologies but I forwarned him of the bitchsmacks if it's already been covered. :D
I am 21 years old and I am trying to become an Pilot/NFO. I have some college time, also I have been taking flying lessons. Being 21 I know that I do not have much time to persue my goal. I am thinking about finishing up at a commnunity college and transferring to a bigger school such as Embry-Riddle or the University of Arizona. Is this a good path to be on? or is it maybe to late for me to go after my dream? I have another strike against me, that being my eyes aren't perfect. Some input would be greatly appreciated as I am trying to expedite this process.


Registered User
Definitely sounds like you are thinking ahead pretty good. As someone posted this for you, it doesn't state whether or not you are civilian or active duty enlisted, etc. I am personally active duty enlisted and have been in for 3 years. I had a whole lot more riding against me than yourself such as I am currently 30 years old (31 in March), had 20/400 uncorrected vision (correctable to 20/20 with contacts) and never had any piloting experience at all other than on the computer. My degree was in physical education and that is what I taught for 3 years before joining the enlisted ranks. I put in my 1st officer package about 1.5 years ago with NFO being my first choice and AMDO 2nd. My name was submitted for getting PRK surgery for my eyes which is the only reason Pilot was not 1st choice. I did not make it the first time. I had the PRK surgery on my eyes Nov '06 and submitted another package this past September. Pilot-#1, NFO-#2, and AMDO-#3. Just found out two days ago I got picked up for NFO. All that to say that you are 21, 9 years younger than me. If you want it bad enough, do it and don't let anybody tell you that it is impossible. That is basically what they told me and I am now able to say that I proved them wrong. Take it for what it is worth. LIsten to the people that have done it, not to those who didn't and wish they had.

VFA-203 Forever

So You Like To Put fishsticks in your mouth?
Thanks for the reply, Man. I'll let him know.

He is civilian, btw but knows several guys in the Fleet.


I Can Has Leadership!
VFA, Its definitely not too late for your buddy to apply. As for the eyes, it depends on how bad his eyes are. If they are within limits, not an issue. If not, there are options, including PRK. Not sure what the limits or other options are though. Sounds like he's on a pretty good track... Definitely tell him to look into BDCP. Cheers, Bubba


New Member
Hey all, thanks for your replies, I am VFA-203's friend... I finally got my account working. I am currently a civilian and hoping to get into Arizona State, either do ROTC or the BDCP after completing community college. I was looking into Embry-Riddle, but I think Arizona State is what I am leaning towards. Or do you think Embry-Riddle increases your chances? I know a degree is a degree though. Another question I had is what type of a degree should I look into, I know art or something along those lines isn't needed, but I was thinking history or something with science. Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!



New Member
Hey Judd, I'm in Navy ROTC right now and I think I can answer a few questions. Like you said, a degree is a degree, but the Navy does tend to reward certain degree types more than others. However, this "reward" is not very much and shouldn't truly affect what type of degree you get. Generally when being evaluated out of 100 for major (which accounts for 10% of your total score I believe for your officer evaluation) engineers receive 100, sciences and math receive 90, and every thing else received 75. Knowing this, I still chose economics, because I know that the major doesn't really affect much. So choose what YOU like and what you want to study. It makes it so much easier. =D

I don't think Embry-Riddle would increase your chances for picking up pilot either over Arizona State. In general the name of a school doesn't matter at all. I think the important thing is applying for your NROTC scholarship early. If you want a scholarship for as early as this fall you should definitely keep checking https://www.nrotc.navy.mil until the scholarship application is available. Also, apply to several schools and their scholarships if possible just in case. Make sure those schools have ROTC programs (that can be found on the nrotc website above). Also, look at different schools to see if they cover room and board for ROTC students. At Tulane (my school) we get room and board free, so I literally don't pay for anything (books are covered by the Navy). I believe Illinois Tech also offers room and board, and so do other schools so look into it!

If you're participating in Navy ROTC, once you become a junior people start asking what you might want to do when you graduate. Always answer Pilot then NFO. Make sure you take the ASTB. If you don't get at least 5s take it again, although straight 6s is almost a guarantee. (However, scores 7-9 don't give you a better advantage than those with 6s.) When you go on 1/C summer cruise make sure you request aviation. Then senior year, of course put pilot then nfo on your "dream sheet". Out of our 15 seniors this year, I believe 12 requested aviation and 12 got it. I'm not saying that at Tulane we have an extraordinarily high advantage; I'm saying that if you ask for it and you're prepared, chances are the Navy will give it to you.

I highly highly recommend ROTC; because free school is a good deal (the Navy only has one type of scholarship that pays ALL tuition and ALL fees). And because the friends you make are awesome, you still get that awesome "college" experience, summer training is FUN (I've been to Italy, Crete, Greece, and Turkey all in 3 weeks), and OCS really won't be fun...

Feel free to email or message me with any more questions! =D