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New Member
I recently applied for commission this summer 2010 and will now have to set up a date to take the ASTB around my area...

I am interested in becoming a Pilot or NFO and wanted to join the BDCP program (if that is still possible?) I am a 20 years old and currently attending Campbell University with a current GPA of 3.5. My major is Criminal Justice with a concentration in Homeland Security. I am a Junior education wise, but I play D1 soccer and have a medical redshirt, giving me one extra semester of eligblity.

I am new to all of this information but am trying to learn as much as I can since I am intrigued. When is the best time to take my ASTB since I have around two years until a graduate?



Well-Known Member
-ASAP. Can't submit without it. Need to submit, get accepted, and swear in to get paid.
-BDCP is still around, last time I looked.
-What do you mean you recently applied?
-The Navy doesn't care about your D1 eligibility. They want to stop paying you to study as soon as you can graduate. Of course you would probably be able to extend your time in BDCP the same way you'd extend your eligibility. Long story on that one...


You can't apply without your ASTB. You may have filled out some paperwork but until you take the ASTB and your package is out of your recruiter's office you have not applied for anything. There is a post on here about the BDCP, I think it might be closed until FY2013. I would look into that first, or just ask your recruiter about it. I hope you have your s h i t together, because selection for the BDCP is no joke, believe me I know, I am in the BDCP. My ticket in was a 3.4 in Physics/Math major, 6 years of A+ prior NAVY experience, and kick ass letters of recommendation. My recruiter thought I had about a 60% chance of getting in the BDCP. This program is literally more competitive then getting into the naval academy. I am not trying to put you down or anything, I am just giving you a glimpse of what is to come if you have really decided to go for it and it is open of course. For your major, you would have been able to spend only 24 months on the BDCP, and that is if you had applied before you were a Junior. If you are a Junior now, that means that you will only be able to go on the BDCP until you graduate, they will expect that to be in 3 semesters( I am assuming you are a first semester Junior),and NO they will not allow you to stay in school just so you can play soccer. If you really want to stay and play, I suggest you go for applying directly to OCS. You are 20 so you have plenty of time until the cutoff age of 27 for Pilots and NFOs.
Good Luck, and remember that if you want something badly enough there shouldn't be anyone or anything that can stop you.


Flight time is good time...
This program is literally more competitive then getting into the naval academy.

As of 2009, USNA acceptance rate is around 10%. They looked at over 10,000 applications. Not sure how accurate your statement is, but thats pretty crazy if it is correct.


Death by Snoo Snoo
BDCP is the best-kept secret in the Navy. I wish I had heard of it before starting school. If I remember right, once you start getting paid for BDCP, it counts towards retirement. Anyone correct me if I'm wrong. I believe you need to be a soph or jr to apply for it though. I'm sure you can find more detailed information from your recruiting office about those details. If not, OCS is a quick, if somewhat painful, route to take. Glad I did it though.


As of 2009, USNA acceptance rate is around 10%. They looked at over 10,000 applications. Not sure how accurate your statement is, but thats pretty crazy if it is correct.

Yep, it is about the same rate as the BDCP. When I was picked up, back in March of this year, my recruiter said that there were 10 people picked up out of 100+ BDCP applicants.


Well-Known Member
Crazy sauce. Am I dumb, since I would never get in now, or smart, since I got while the gettin' was good? Hmmm....