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Registered User
hey im finishing up my application and am about to have my interview. im not really sure what to expect in the interview so i have a few quetions. what questions should i expect? what information should i know? any specific things that would be crucial to my interview?


Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
I would venture to say that they will ask you something along the lines of "why do you want to be an Naval Officer?"
I would bet on a question about what you want for a designator.

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
Make sure you remember what you said in your personal statement and why you said what you did.

- What accomplishment (while in the navy) are you most proud of and why?
- If you could change one thing since your time in the navy, what would it be and why? (Note: the correct answer is NOT "nothing".
- What was the last book you read. When did you read it and what was it about?
- Do you keep up on world events? Besides the Iraq war, tell me two or three things that have been going on around the world.
- I see here that your choice of designator is pilot first and NFO second. Can you tell me why you don't want to be a SWO/Submariner/Intel Officer? (or any other designators they throw at you. Note: the key here is to know why the other choices are not career options for you. If you aren't interested in being an Intel officer or a Submariner, you should know why....not just because it doesn't sound like something you'd enjoy. You need to convince them that you've done your research. Remember, this isn't the Air Force. In the Navy, it's Officer first, designator second.
- What leadership principles are important to you? Why?
- Who is the CNO? MCPON? Have they said anything lately that has influenced or inspired you?
- Maybe a scenario or two....."Ok, you're a new Ensign and blah blah blah happens. How do you handle it? What would you do?"

Just some samples of what I've used in the past.


CTO1 to IW Officer
Make sure you remember what you said in your personal statement and why you said what you did.

- What accomplishment (while in the navy) are you most proud of and why?
- If you could change one thing since your time in the navy, what would it be and why? (Note: the correct answer is NOT "nothing".
- What was the last book you read. When did you read it and what was it about?
- Do you keep up on world events? Besides the Iraq war, tell me two or three things that have been going on around the world.
- I see here that your choice of designator is pilot first and NFO second. Can you tell me why you don't want to be a SWO/Submariner/Intel Officer? (or any other designators they throw at you. Note: the key here is to know why the other choices are not career options for you. If you aren't interested in being an Intel officer or a Submariner, you should know why....not just because it doesn't sound like something you'd enjoy. You need to convince them that you've done your research. Remember, this isn't the Air Force. In the Navy, it's Officer first, designator second.
- What leadership principles are important to you? Why?
- Who is the CNO? MCPON? Have they said anything lately that has influenced or inspired you?
- Maybe a scenario or two....."Ok, you're a new Ensign and blah blah blah happens. How do you handle it? What would you do?"

Just some samples of what I've used in the past.

Steve is about as right on as you could get. The questions are not meant to trip you up, but they are there to make you think. As long as you answer the question(s) honestly, you'll be ok. Look at people in the eye, formulate your response, and don't fidget.

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
Steve is about as right on as you could get. The questions are not meant to trip you up, but they are there to make you think. As long as you answer the question(s) honestly, you'll be ok. Look at people in the eye, formulate your response, and don't fidget.
Those are no sh!t actual questions I have asked to applicants. One note: yes, be honest, but don't be stupid. You are judged just as much on how you formulate your response as you are with the actual answer. Are there right or wrong answers? Yes. But whether it's right or wrong is subjective and will depend on the people doing your interview. You'll probably never know if you hit the mark or not. Don't read into the questions. Answer them fully and honestly.

One thing I did forget to mention. Come prepared with good questions. You should have the opportunity to ask questions at the end. Asking good questions will tell the board you are engaged and ready for the opportunity to go to the next level. An example of a bad question is, "So, how'd I do?" By the way, there is nothing wrong with asking a question you already know the answer to.

Good luck.


Registered User
I've got my interview this week, and I am curious, about how long do these interviews run for, and how much do they affect the board's decision? Is this a make or break part of the application, or is it mereley a positive or negative writeup? I am REALLY excited to finally do this interview, but am still nervous at the same time. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Are you threatening me?
Super Moderator
I've got my interview this week, and I am curious, about how long do these interviews run for, and how much do they affect the board's decision? Is this a make or break part of the application, or is it mereley a positive or negative writeup? I am REALLY excited to finally do this interview, but am still nervous at the same time. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

The interview will probably last about 10-15 minutes. They will ask you some basic, standardized questions and some other stuff about high school, for example. How long your answers are will effect the length of the interview. Don't worry about taking too long though, this is a chance to sell yourself (besides the application).

I wouldn't call it a "make or break" part of the app though. But do keep in mind that your are basically interviewing for the officer's job, so it is important. This is a chance for the Navy to find out about you as a person, like things that cant exactly be put on an application. If you're sh!t hot, they'll give you a good recommendation. If you're a turd, expect the opposite. Regardless, your app still has to go to the board. The recommendation from the interview will be something taken into consideration by the board.

Any questions, shoot me a PM.

Have fun with it, but be professional. It's your chance to shine.

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
The interview will probably last about 10-15 minutes. They will ask you some basic, standardized questions and some other stuff about high school, for example.
Where does one find a list of these basic, standardized questions?

NozeMan said:
I wouldn't call it a "make or break" part of the app though.
If you do poorly, it will be reflected in the writeups. I'm sure you can do the math on what happens (or doesn't happen) if your writeups are not good.


Are you threatening me?
Super Moderator
Where does one find a list of these basic, standardized questions?

If you do poorly, it will be reflected in the writeups. I'm sure you can do the math on what happens (or doesn't happen) if your writeups are not good.

Thanks for emphasizing the poor performance aspect, I didn't do that enough. If you come across as a sh!tbag, the inteviewer will give you the appropriate grade in his/her portion of the application process. Trust me, if you come off as a turd, the board will find out.

As far as standard questions:

1. They'll ask you about your involvment in math/science/computer related subjects. How much you like them etc, they will also look at how well you did in those courses.

2. They ask about involvement in sports and what you do for PT.

It's very broad, but those should give you an idea.


Registered User
hey thanks guys--i just did my interview yesterday and i feel pretty confident about it. your tips really did help; i definitely would not have been sufficiently prepared without this thread. thanks again

by the way, anyone here go to villanova?


Registered User
Ya same here, did the interview last Wednesday, did REALLY well, and was even told that by my interviewer at the end. Thanks again to all the guys who helped me.


I submitted my app a week ago or so. During my interview i was asked "what rate will you be if and when u graduate college" "do you exercise regularly" I also wore kakis (sp) and a button down shirt, tucked in, no tie. Good Luck.