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Invalid ASTB Scores

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Registered User
Hey everyone. I was hoping someone out there might be able to help me with a question. I took my ASTB the first time and did poorly on the bio section and the spatial apperception. I waited more than 30 days(just to be sure) and retook it receiving 6's and 7's with an OAR of 53. I talked with my recruiter today and he tells me the scores are invalid because HE gave me the same form of the ASTB that I took the first time. I had no idea I wasn't supposed to take the same form. Now I have to wait 180 days to take the test again. Is there any sort of waiver for the error that he made? I have no problem taking it again but I don't want to wait 180 days. I don't think it's fair since I haven't even seen the other form yet. If anyone knows if there is anything that can be done or if anyone has ever had the same problem, please let me know. Thanks.


Registered User
You should definitaly get on someone about this. Of course he's going to tell you that you have to wait because he's trying to cover his own ass. He doesn't want to make himself look stupid for giving you the same test twice. Go there and talk to someone else... maybe another recuiter or ask to talk to the CO about it. You shouldn't be penalized for someone else's mistake.



Registered User
Definitely talk to the CO. Sounds like you're getting the shaft here. CO's have a enough power to bend rules if they have to in order to help someone out. Because it wasn't your fault, I don't see how he/she wouldn't help you. Not to mention, if your recruiter is doing something to cover his mistakes and the CO finds out about it, things will get corrected, real quick!

Paul Burke

Registered User
I remember someone several months ago with a similar problem. Their recruiter gave them the wrong date to come back and take the test again. He wound up doing the retake on the 29th day and wound up doing the 180 day wait. I would definitely talk to the CO and see what can be done but be prepared for the worst. I know it sucks but try and keep a positive attitude. Good Luck.


Registered User
I remember either being told by my recruiter during the explanation of the test procedures or reading in the instructions that you cannot take the same form two consecutive times. So, like they said above, give it a go with the CO, but expect the worst. Do remember that it is your future, not the recruiter's, that is at stake here. Try to be more aware and proactive about even the most minor details.



Registered User
That somebody that Paul was talking about was me! I took the test for a second time around 30 days FROM my first test date, when the rule is 30 days BETWEEN test dates. The aviation selection board would not grant me a waiver even though it was my recruiters fault. That took place in November and my 180 day wait is up in May, my re-test in scheduled a week after my 180 days to avoid any possible problems.
My recruiter told me that I had been selected for a pilot slot but in some last minute double checking the discrepancy was found. He also told me that he thought it was 30 days FROM the first test date and he had had several pilot applicants that did the same thing, but it had gone unnoticed! So my pain and suffering is almost up. One more month!


Registered User
One more thing, my recruiter did check with his CO and was not given any help in trying to get the waiver. I hope things work out for you with this mgreg598, but if they don't remember, a six month wait in the scope of an excellent career is worth it. You have already proofed you can pass the ASTB! Stay positive and if you really want it, wait the 180 days. My two cents.
Good luck!


Registered User
Thanks for all the advice. I'm going to try and talk with the CO first thing in the morning. I'll be sure to keep you all updated. If I do hear the worst, I'll be sure to study my ass off and use it as a chance to score even higher because like it's been said before, 180 days is a small price to pay for one of the greatest careers you can have.


Registered User
Hello folks,
Just stumbled upon this informative web site. I am a Marine aviator and OSO as well. As there are not very many of us out here (OSO pilots), and much of the information is based on speculation and rumor, I would like to answer any questions and clear up any confusion (within my field-rotary wing)you might have about aviation specific questions in the USMC. There are a few other USMC pilots who frequent this website as well and we will all try to accurately convey our experiences. As far as the ASTB concern-not much you can do. Study hard and you'll get there. Good luck.

Edited by - 53EDriver on 04/17/2002 11:33:25


Registered User
Hey everyone. I just wanted to give you an update on my invalid ATSB scores. As of now they are valid and my scores of 6's and 7's stand. I didn't even have to take the other form of the test. I talked with my recruiter and his CO and they had to fill out some sort of waiver since it was my recruiter's fault. But the important part was, P-Cola approved it and the mistake was fixed. It's off to MEPS for me now. Thanks again for all the advice and wish me luck with the physical.
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