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Inventory Accountability?


Super Moderator
I guess they don't have it at NRL. As someone who was responsible for some equipment at my last job, which was a giant pain in the rear, I find it a little hard to believe the guy got away with it for so long. I have seen several careers end over much less.



If he was the bottom line on the inventory sheet, he could sign for it all day long and keep it anywhere he wanted.


Now with even more awesome!
There was another incident like this about 3 years ago involving a guy who worked at Indian Head or Dahlgren (can't remember). He had thousands of dollars of gov't. tools and tool chests in his garage and he got busted. They even counted up all the black Skilcraft gov't. pens he had in his house, saying they were stolen.

His defense was that sometimes he brought projects from work home to work on and was using the tools for them and that he had every intent to return them.

As I recall, he got off, had to return everything, and then they fired him. :eek:


We had a career S/O in the airline (S/O = second officer, you fools, not "significant" something or other .. ) who managed to insulate his entire mountain cabin w/ Kotex pads stolen from airplane biffy's over a several year period (biffy = head in airline-ese) ....

When someone ratted him out; he got two weeks off ... :) ... I wonder what time of the month it was ... ???


New Member
We had a chief when I was at Moffett Field that was ordering new tool box's, and snap on tools as well as a lot of other high dollar items, problem is they never made it to the shops they were intended for. Later his wife left him, and called NIS to check out all of the Navy things he had. He could have started his own body and automotive shop with all of the things that ended up at his house. He was a couple of months from retiring. Sucks what happened, but it couldn't happen to a better man.