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IRAM's from Iran???


Former SWO
Did you read the entire article? It says that it's a relatively unsophisticated, albeit highly effective weapon. There is also not a single mention of Iran in the article.

"The use of the rocket-propelled bombs reflects militiamen's ability to use commonly available materials and relatively low-tech weaponry to circumvent security measures that have cost the U.S. military billions of dollars. To combat roadside bombs, known as improvised explosive devices or IEDs, U.S. and Iraqi troops have set up scores of checkpoints throughout the capital, increased patrols and purchased hundreds of armored vehicles that can resist such attacks.

A June report on the Web site Long War Journal called the explosives-filled propane tanks "flying IEDs."

Militia members and insurgents have at times increased the sophistication of their weapons, but the rocket-propelled bombs are makeshift devices that also have been used in recent years by insurgents in Colombia. Propane tanks are ubiquitous in Iraq, where the fuel is widely used for cooking, making it hard for security forces to stop production of the bombs. "


Did you read the entire article?...... There is .... not a single mention of Iran in the article.
Really?? No mention of Iran -- not a "single mention of Iran", you say??? Did YOU read the article, perhaps, perchance to dream ... as in page 2 ??? :)


from the linked article said:
"Iranian links? ... U.S. military officials said they have found Iranian-made 107mm rockets at some of the blast sites, which they said suggests the weapons — or parts — may have come from Iran....


standard-issue stud v2.0


11.5 years and counting boat free
I suppose 3 out of 4 ain't bad ... if you aren't trying to flex your might to the rest of the world.


Crusty Shellback
Even the gay community has their own Shahab missile :) (far left) ..haha this really is a "maximum effort" by the Iranians.


Combat Engineer
From Drudge

Many of Iran's claims related to missile tests during "Great Prophet III" war games -- appear to be smoke and mirrors!

The missiles tested DID NOT not have 2,000-kilometer range, the NEW YORK TIMES is planning to report on Saturday.

Iran DID NOT launch a Shahab-3 missile, able to reach Israel.

It was an older missile that was out of production, newsroom sources tell DRUDGE.

And a video showing what appeared to be many missiles being fired -- is actually one missile, filmed from different angles!

NYT's Bill Broad is planning to quote military insiders.


Former SWO
Even the gay community has their own Shahab missile :) (far left) ..haha this really is a "maximum effort" by the Iranians.

What's funny is, this is a government publication and that's the best Photoshopping they could do...

This picture (and the original) were posted on SomethingAwful and 20 minutes later we had something that nobody would ever be able to peg as faked.

It just shows how naive and insincere their government is when they 1) Fake and image and 2) do it so poorly that it is spotted as a fake without an hour of it having been posted.

THIS is how you forge a photo:




Damn m0t yours is a ton better than theirs. Watch out, the Iranians might kidnap you and force you to Photoshop stuff for them. Like Ironman, minus the cool suit.