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Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Train Taliban to Use Shoulder-Fired SAMs


Looking forward to some P-8 action
Kind of ironic, really, when you consider that not too long ago, WE were the ones teaching them how to fire SAMs.


Still learning how much I don't know.
Do any of you actually know anything about this, or are you just post and article and drawing your own conclusions?


I'm not sure I would trust a source that can't keep the Washington Post and Washington Examiner straight.


Death by Snoo Snoo
Do any of you actually know anything about this, or are you just post and article and drawing your own conclusions?

The US did train Mujahideen, some of whom are now in the Taliban, or trained some of them, to fire Stingers back in the 80s to shoot down Soviet Mi-24s. That's fairly open knowledge. Hindsight is a funny thing.


Well-Known Member
Please….enough of the”Blow-back” crap. MANPADs were a small factor of many that caused the Soviets to abandon Afghanistan. Our support of the Mujas back in the 80s has nothing to do with the current situation. I can train my cat to use a MANPAD. It’s supplying them that would be an issue. And I’m sure a lot of folks who know much more about the situation than we do are on it…….if there is an it.


Death by Snoo Snoo
Not saying it's hard to train them. Just saying we did at one point, awhile back. Obviously if it was a major issue then we'd have a lot more problems on our hands than we currently do flying over there.

It's interesting though how this story broke just after the one about Karzai's government receiving funds from Iran. Wouldn't be terribly surprising to see Iran playing this from multiple angles. Funding the insurgency to keep us busy, and keeping the Afghan government from totally collapsing. If it's all true, that's some interesting realpolitik.


Still learning how much I don't know.
The US did train Mujahideen, some of whom are now in the Taliban, or trained some of them, to fire Stingers back in the 80s to shoot down Soviet Mi-24s. That's fairly open knowledge. Hindsight is a funny thing.

I was talking more about the effects of it, not the ability to train people to use them. Unless you are flying a tactical aircraft now, this is all just guesswork.


Death by Snoo Snoo
I'm not commenting on how effective they are. Just stating the fact they were trained. I have no first-hand experience or training in being shot-at by Stingers.
Do any of you actually know anything about this, or are you just post and article and drawing your own conclusions?

I am just drawing my conclusions from the past when the Soviets had to deal with them, and how it forced them to change their tactics. Now I have no idea what are tactics are in dealing with any manpad threat, nor do I want to know for opsec reasons.

I just hope that if the threat does become real, no one will have a bad day from them.

But I know just about any one one can fire them dam things, but tracking a target is another thing. Had friends that severed in ADA units that said not every one can do this.

I once had a cat that used to open the fridge door, slap the crap out of the cardboard case just right, knocking out a couple cans and then role them to me and my buddies.