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iranian tomcats tales (this ain't no s*it) from rick alverez


happy to be here
(was an instructor on the iran program)

i was swapping sea stories with rick alverez about some of the more colorful hops with the iranian students..
forgot about this one, around 1977.

"Hazin was the idiot who shut down both engines with Becker.
I was on his wing on a divert to Shiraz. You may remember we flew a bingo profile to save gas (dust storm at Isfahan), and when he pulled them to idle to descend at around 30,000 feet, he got two fuel pressure lights, thought he had flamed out, and then shut them both off to start the relight procedure. The best part was he kept the airspeed around 230 KIAS, and when the hydraulics went out due to not enough RPM for the pumps, the airplane rolled over and started gyrating on its way to the 12,000 foot mountains we were over. We had an undercast and Yossarian and I were right next to him because neither one of us had seen a real ejection!
Becker said he would get out when they hit the undercast, and the first engine lit just as they started into it! When we landed Hazin told the maintenance Farkles that he had saved the airplane and they practically gave him a medal! Becker, Ben, and I just laughed and went to find beer!"