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Is it uncommon to be picked up for your third choice?


Well-Known Member
The title says it all. Has anyone in the community been selected for their third choice? If so, were you a non-select for your first and second choices? Has anyone heard of that happening?

Recently was a non select for the Nov IWC board. Planning to reapply for the summer board (adding a NAM, EP, FLOC, and another post grad course to pad my Master's GPA). I also plan on adding Supply and SWO as options two and three.

I'm aware that IWC is crazy competitive but it truly is my number one choice. It seems like SWO would be my highest probability for selection based on what I've seen on here and feedback I've received from a few admins.

My fear is potentially putting SWO as number three (highest chance for selection) and the board potentially having a negative view about being the third option.

I almost wish I didn't have to rank them.

Currently: 30 y/o, 8 years enlisted (e-5), OAR = 50, 3.4 MA Global Affairs, 3.1 BA History (d1 collegiate basketball player all four years), last 3 evals = EP, FLOC, NAM x 2, Good Conduct x 2, JSOQ, LOR = 0-8, 0-6, 0-4, and Dean.

If anyone has insight regarding how boards look at being the 3rd choice, or if anyone has heard of somebody picked up for their 3rd choice please let me know. Definitely curious. I'm getting ready to resubmit my package in early May to all three designators; I'm just torn how I should order them. The ultimate goal is to lead as an officer, so I'm leaning towards putting SWO as number 1 (highest chance); however if there's anyone out there with knowledge regarding 3rd option pick-ups I may reconsider.


Frightening children with the Griz-O-Copter!
When it comes to an application and a board...FTN...put down what you really...really...want in order.

If they want you in one of them you will get it. If not, try again, but gaming the board is rarely a good way to go.


Well-Known Member
When it comes to an application and a board...FTN...put down what you really...really...want in order.

If they want you in one of them you will get it. If not, try again, but gaming the board is rarely a good way to go.
Noted. I'll keep that in mind when I reapply. Thank you for the response and input.


Well-Known Member
I similarly really wanted pilot. I was applying BDCP, an old defunct program similar to NUPOC. I put pilot only, understanding that if not picked up I would have likely added Nuke and NFO to the list (knowing all I know now, NFO would still be on it... the other not so much). I'd worry more about listing options you wouldn't be willing to accept than gaming the system as well. If they don't want you for the first two, listing the third option means you'd be happy to take it. They "should" view it as such.


Well-Known Member
I similarly really wanted pilot. I was applying BDCP, an old defunct program similar to NUPOC. I put pilot only, understanding that if not picked up I would have likely added Nuke and NFO to the list (knowing all I know now, NFO would still be on it... the other not so much). I'd worry more about listing options you wouldn't be willing to accept than gaming the system as well. If they don't want you for the first two, listing the third option means you'd be happy to take it. They "should" view it as such.
Appreciate the insight Sir. I will keep all of that in mind. It is a very good point to not apply for something that you wouldn't be willing to accept. Knowing what I know, I would never put Nuke as an option either. Although my heart is with IWC, I have to be realistic with myself that it just might not happen. The ultimate goal is to hopefully lead as an officer one day and after great research about SWO and Supply, I would be happy to lead/serve in either community if selected.

I know SWO JO's generally can have it pretty tough. Being enlisted on a ship I saw it first hand. Nonetheless, I figure it'll be what I make of it and I will embrace the temporary discomfort. I'm also very attracted to the opportunities that top-performing junior/mid level SWO's have for furthering education after a sea tour as well. The Olmstead program, NPS, War College, and Pol-Mil Master's programs are really peaking my interest. Obviously, I plan to be a lifer. Thank you for your response. Fingers crossed for the upcoming summer board.


Well-Known Member
When it comes to an application and a board...FTN...put down what you really...really...want in order.

If they want you in one of them you will get it. If not, try again, but gaming the board is rarely a good way to go.

A bit more on his situation, he was already turned down once for IWC and unfortunately the best shot of being selected is the first look, he also has time ticking for TIS and age for a few designators.

I would talk to candidates and ask them what is more important being in a specific designator or being an officer, I did see a few who kept trying for the same designator only to age out and then come back seeing if there was anything else they could go for because they really just wanted to be an officer.

It is something each applicant needs to consider.


Well-Known Member
It is hard to really gauge what the community is like from the outside looking in. Keep that in mind. Once you are commissioned and in the job it may not be what you thought it was going to be. You might like it. Is being an Officer more important to you then the specific job? Only you can answer that question.

If age and waivers are becoming a factor then it might be worthwhile to put down something that will get you commissioned.


Well-Known Member
It is hard to really gauge what the community is like from the outside looking in. Keep that in mind. Once you are commissioned and in the job it may not be what you thought it was going to be. You might like it. Is being an Officer more important to you then the specific job? Only you can answer that question.

If age and waivers are becoming a factor then it might be worthwhile to put down something that will get you commissioned.
Thank you for the feedback. I intend to put SWO as my number 1 choice for the upcoming summer boards. It is more important for me to lead as an officer vs the community. Nonetheless I intend to put IWC as option two and try again. Hopefully this works out.