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Is taking the ASVAB required if I want to go to OCS?


New Member
I am looking into joining the navy or coast guard in the near future. I have read that there are entrance exams, scuh as the ASVAB. However, I will only be going through OCS. I have read different stories as to whether I still take the asvab if I am going through OCS to be an officer.

I have also read that applicants who want to be pilots have to take the astb exam. Do I take the asvab and the astb?

In addition, I know that pilots have their own exam (astb). However, I am not totally sure whether I want to be a pilot and am willing to pursue other career fields. Do all fields have their own specific exam aside from the asvab?

Thanks alot!


My OR had me take the ASVAB and when I mastered it, the OR had me take the ASTB and now I am a pro-rec'd SNA.

Even if you don't want pilot you will still have to take portions of the ASTB, just not the portions dealing with flight. I suggest you take the entire ASTB just to keep your options open.


New Member
I'm not sure about the coast guard, but for the Navy, all non-nuke OCS applicants have to take the ASTB. Pilot, NFO, and Intel require the full ASTB, while the rest of the officer communities only require three of the six sections.

The ASVAB is for people who want to enlist. It's not required for OCS at all.


New Member
So what you guys are saying is that I do not take the asvab but rather the astb in order to get into OCS?

So if I want to join a different officer field other then aviation I still take the astb? I guess I think its odd that other fields outside of aviation require that you take the aviation selection test battery.

Thanks again!


I'm not sure about the coast guard, but for the Navy, all non-nuke OCS applicants have to take the ASTB. Pilot, NFO, and Intel require the full ASTB, while the rest of the officer communities only require three of the six sections.

The ASVAB is for people who want to enlist. It's not required for OCS at all.

So what you guys are saying is that I do not take the asvab but rather the astb in order to get into OCS?

So if I want to join a different officer field other then aviation I still take the astb? I guess I think its odd that other fields outside of aviation require that you take the aviation selection test battery.

Thanks again!

If what kd5pbo says is true (which there seems to be a long running debate here about which communities actually require the portions beyond the OAR) then the only "outside of aviation" field that requires the full ASTB is Intel. But think about it, what information and who do you think these Intel officers are talking to a lot of the time?

(of course I have zero time in the fleet and have zero experience ... seems sound reasoning to me, though)


New Member
If what kd5pbo says is true (which there seems to be a long running debate here about which communities actually require the portions beyond the OAR) then the only "outside of aviation" field that requires the full ASTB is Intel. But think about it, what information and who do you think these Intel officers are talking to a lot of the time?

(of course I have zero time in the fleet and have zero experience ... seems sound reasoning to me, though)

Taking the entire exam as opposed to just the OAR portion is no big deal, really. I did it applying for IW.

The bottom line is yes, the ASTB is what you have to take to go to OCS. The ASVAB is not what you want to take.