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Is the F-35 really worth it?

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New Member
I know this has been talked about to death by now. But i was reading last night that now this project could go before a commitee. John McCain himself doesnt even support the F-35. You can purchase 3 f/a-18 Super Hornetsfast for the price of one F-35. Stealth technology is the flavor of the month and it is just a matter of time before someone invited a radar or other equpiment that can track these things therefore making them no better than any other aircraft, they will just cost three times more. I mean after ten years are we are still testing this POS and they are not operational yet. Does anyone else find this to be a total waste of time and money?


New Member
My apologies brett, new to the forum and i knew the topic had been talked about to death, just read a interesting article and was curious of peoples opinions that is all. As for you "masterbates" (all cute name by the way, that is the kind of name a high boy going through puberty would use) as i stated above i just joined the forum and havent had a chance to finish my profile. And i am also sorry that i am not a english major. I guess you are a product of the new kinder and gentler military. In my day it was more about ability to fight than spell, sorry that i upset you. Maybe i need a time out


Internet killed the television star
My apologies brett, new to the forum and i knew the topic had been talked about to death, just read a interesting article and was curious of peoples opinions that is all. As for you "masterbates" (all cute name by the way, that is the kind of name a high boy going through puberty would use) as i stated above i just joined the forum and havent had a chance to finish my profile. And i am also sorry that i am not a english major. I guess you are a product of the new kinder and gentler military. In my day it was more about ability to fight than spell, sorry that i upset you. Maybe i need a time out

No, but you do need to show who you are and give a little background on yourself to have some street cred. You don't have to be a medal of honor winner but there are a lot of guys here who have been there and done that. There have been a lot of verified posers on this board so there is a healthy level of suspicion on new guys, especially new guys who have no info on themselves. It doesn't have to be your name and home address but a little about what you've done and where you've been helps.

Who knows, you could be the CNO posing as a USMC guy but until we know that, you're just another chode off the street.


Well-Known Member
First of all, "in your day". I'm older than you, and was likely on AD longer than you are, if your profile age is accurate.
Second, "MASTER" is the callsign by which I am known in real life, outside this forum. Admirals call me that. My last name is Bates (hence callsign of MASTER).

We are NOT kinder or gentler here. But we would expect someone who claims to be in or a veteran, to have at least a basic command of the English language.

I can fly AND spell. I make the effort, but your poor posting is hard to read, and there is no reason for it. You don't need fancy words, just basic grammar and writing conventions that most people had down by the sixth grade.


St. Francis/Hugh Hefner Combo!
Super Moderator
I guess you are a product of the new kinder and gentler military. In my day it was more about ability to fight than spell, sorry that i upset you. Maybe i need a time out

Whoa, I call BS here. I am not a 'newer & kinder' product (joined 55 yrs ago), nor an English major, plus I am a combat tested warrior. That does not give me a pass to bore my Shipmates here with sloppy...lazy writing. If you can't put in a little effort here, to express yourself properly, you'll find your posts pretty much ignored.:oops:

Master Bates was spot on, & I doubt he gives a s**t what you think about his AW handle! BTW, I've never heard of anyone who "invited a radar"??:oops:


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
Did someone say Choda-Boy?


New Member
Look i apologize if i am not perfect. I can understand that you guy wanna be carefully on this site and i dont blame you. I also understand that my o ise riginal post didn't make much sense and what not. I typed it from my phone. And all you had to say is it didbt make sense. You didnt have to treat me like a two year old.


Active Member
Hey Devil, it's best to think of this as more of a professional extension of a ward room/office spaces than some anonymous forum where you can go off on a superior even if you think he isn't tactful. If you're a Marine, you'll know how to tactfully deal with that stuff without making yourself look bad. Right now you look pretty bad, hence the treatment.


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
Alright, before the entire AirWarriors.com crowd pisses on the "man on fire", I will close this thread.

usmc000830, please take some time to reflect on the feedback provided above.

-ea6bflyr ;)

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