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Is there any hope of getting into the USAFA with mediocre grades as a freshman in HS?

subsonic raptor

mentally deficient king of the sky.
Hello, i'm a freshman in HS and its my dream to fly fighters with the USAF, and as such I have heard that the USAFA is the best route to do so as they dish out the most pilot slots of any of the options given to become a pilot in the USAF. during the first semester of my HS experience I put up a pretty measly effort, barely passing the 1st semester, this semester Im working my butt off and its gotten my to a cumulative gpa of 3.2 as of now. though I still have the occasional bad grade. my Q to yall is have I already screwed it up? are my chances at My dream college ruined? and if so what are the better options to pursue my dream?


Well-Known Member
On the other hand, kid has the good sense not to ask Air Force folks for advice ?‍♂️?. Some actual advice would be (feel free to take this with a grain of salt because I fly nothing - but this applies to anything in life): if you've identified a goal, figure out how to make it happen. If you want to go USAFA, search around and figure out what the standard is that you'll need to hit to make it there, and exceed that standard. Need better grades than a 3.2? Work hard at it and get better grades. Need more extracurriculars? Get involved in stuff you're passionate about, and spend time at it, and find ways to demonstrate leadership behaviors.

There are plenty of specifics on this forum for USNA, ROTC, OCS, etc... If you want to be a fighter pilot, there are a number of routes to get there beyond the Air Force Academy - in fact, many of them easier in some ways than that route (looking at you, ANG). But one thing you'll be reminded on this forum is that no matter how hard you work, getting into a fighter cockpit also involves some luck and timing outside your control. So best thing you can do is work hard at figuring out the things you can control, and work your tail off to be the best at those things that you can be, to ensure you achieve your goals.

subsonic raptor

mentally deficient king of the sky.
On the other hand, kid has the good sense not to ask Air Force folks for advice ?‍♂️?. Some actual advice would be (feel free to take this with a grain of salt because I fly nothing - but this applies to anything in life): if you've identified a goal, figure out how to make it happen. If you want to go USAFA, search around and figure out what the standard is that you'll need to hit to make it there, and exceed that standard. Need better grades than a 3.2? Work hard at it and get better grades. Need more extracurriculars? Get involved in stuff you're passionate about, and spend time at it, and find ways to demonstrate leadership behaviors.

There are plenty of specifics on this forum for USNA, ROTC, OCS, etc... If you want to be a fighter pilot, there are a number of routes to get there beyond the Air Force Academy - in fact, many of them easier in some ways than that route (looking at you, ANG). But one thing you'll be reminded on this forum is that no matter how hard you work, getting into a fighter cockpit also involves some luck and timing outside your control. So best thing you can do is work hard at figuring out the things you can control, and work your tail off to be the best at those things that you can be, to ensure you achieve your goals.

thx for the advice


Well-Known Member
During the first semester of my HS experience I put up a pretty measly effort, barely passing the 1st semester, this semester Im working my butt off and its gotten my to a cumulative gpa of 3.2 as of now. though I still have the occasional bad grade. my Q to yall is have I already screwed it up? are my chances at My dream college ruined? and if so what are the better options to pursue my dream?
How are your Kindergarten transcripts looking?

There are extremely few dreams to pursue that don't involve doing your best, so just apply yourself the best you can and you will position yourself to get lucky.


Internet killed the television star
Hello, i'm a freshman in HS and its my dream to fly fighters with the USAF, and as such I have heard that the USAFA is the best route to do so as they dish out the most pilot slots of any of the options given to become a pilot in the USAF. during the first semester of my HS experience I put up a pretty measly effort, barely passing the 1st semester, this semester Im working my butt off and its gotten my to a cumulative gpa of 3.2 as of now. though I still have the occasional bad grade. my Q to yall is have I already screwed it up? are my chances at My dream college ruined? and if so what are the better options to pursue my dream?

You’re a freshman in high school who just finished the first semester. I can’t tell if your exasperated or if you’ve given up, but either way, you have a long time left to improve your record.

That said, the academies don’t look at just grades, they look at everything. Extracurriculars, sports, after school jobs, etc.

Get your grades up and get involved in stuff in your school and community. All hope is not lost.


Frightening children with the Griz-O-Copter!
I can tell you that service academies like to improvement (motivation and dedication) over continued excellence (never been challenged).

Work hard, improve your grades, do stuff and don't limit the routes to your eventual dream...military flying. Apply for every academy, every ROTC, and if that fails go to college and apply for OCS slots. Once you are winged no one cares about your college ring.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
To add to the above, take the hardest classes you can. If you can get into Honors classes, do so. Don't stop taking math classes at Algebra/Trig. Math for four years to Calculus if possible. Four years science. If you take easy classes to raise your GPA it wo not sell well. Like said above, they want to see you challanged. Top pro tip is to become familiar with that first summer indoc ( USMA and USNA its plebe summer dont know what AFA calls it) and first year of classes are like and tailor your next 3 years to prepare for that.