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Is This For Real?

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Okay I have read ALOT on the site about aspiring naval aviators who are too old and can't have the age waived because they have no active duty and are coming from the civilian world. I pose this question.

Is it possible for someone who is a 28 years old civilian with eyesight worse than 20/200 uncorrected (a refraction of -6.75) to be a pilot? To give you an idea of how bad my eyes are I can not function in daily life without glasses.

Everyone says no...even recruiters right? I was just final select for pilot. According to my recruiter he called up a program manager at the Naval Air Station (NAS) to verify this on three separate occasions and one time they got angry and told my recruiter to draft a contract and let me sign it if I am interested.

I also read the following on pilot requirements.
(4) Phorias: No obvious Heterotropia or Symptomatic Heterophoria. Refraction: < ±6.00 sphere; < -3.00 cylinder.

(5) LASIK not waiverable for aviation, SPECWAR or SPECOPS. PRK and LASIK not waiverable for any community if pre-surgery refraction exceeds specifications in (4).

Basically that states if my refraction is worse than 6.00 pre-surgery then PRK won't be considered.

However the contract states that if I earn a commission (complete OCS) but fail to finish flight training that I still incur an obligation of four years active duty. I will NOT know whether I qualify officially until I arrive in NAS after OCS. The contract says nothing about eye surgery which I think is probably required. My recruiter says all the contracts are exactly the same no clauses added or removed so that everyone gets equal treatment. However all he would say is that since the contract says pilot then they'll do everything possible to make me one.

Is this possible? I am afraid if I go through OCS and find I can't fly then I will be stuck in a job I don't want.

(And seriously guys, I thought this was a forum of supportive naval aviators so instead of giving me negative rep..how's giving me some worthwhile advice even if you hate me)


Well-Known Member
...supportive naval aviators...


There's about the only support you'll get. That you in the hoodie MB :D?


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
I find it difficult to believe that you have a "pilot contract" when you are both above the max age AND lacking the eyesight required for such a contract. Troll elsewhere.



Okay I have read ALOT on the site about aspiring naval aviators who are too old and can't have the age waived because they have no active duty and are coming from the civilian world. I pose this question.

Is it possible for someone who is a 28 years old civilian with eyesight worse than 20/200 uncorrected (a refraction of -6.75) to be a pilot? To give you an idea of how bad my eyes are I can not function in daily life without glasses.

Everyone says no...even recruiters right? I was just final select for pilot. According to my recruiter he called up a program manager at the Naval Air Station (NAS) to verify this on three separate occasions and one time they got angry and told my recruiter to draft a contract and let me sign it if I am interested.

I also read the following on pilot requirements.
(4) Phorias: No obvious Heterotropia or Symptomatic Heterophoria. Refraction: < ±6.00 sphere; < -3.00 cylinder.

(5) LASIK not waiverable for aviation, SPECWAR or SPECOPS. PRK and LASIK not waiverable for any community if pre-surgery refraction exceeds specifications in (4).

Basically that states if my refraction is worse than 6.00 pre-surgery then PRK won't be considered.

However the contract states that if I earn a commission (complete OCS) but fail to finish flight training that I still incur an obligation of four years active duty. I will NOT know whether I qualify officially until I arrive in NAS after OCS. The contract says nothing about eye surgery which I think is probably required. My recruiter says all the contracts are exactly the same no clauses added or removed so that everyone gets equal treatment. However all he would say is that since the contract says pilot then they'll do everything possible to make me one.

Is this possible? I am afraid if I go through OCS and find I can't fly then I will be stuck in a job I don't want.

(And seriously guys, I thought this was a forum of supportive naval aviators so instead of giving me negative rep..how's giving me some worthwhile advice even if you hate me)

Step one
You can obviously read but I think your problem lies in comprehension, or following directions. I have bold text the part of your statement which most likely answers your question. That bold statement added with your recruiters futile attempts to convey the OCS process to you should clarify your original question.
Step Two
I have also bold text your statement about "pilot requirements." If that is the only thing you've read about your vision problem, in the Navy we like to say, "you are wrong!" There is an overwhelming amount of information to read on AW about vision requirements. The information should keep you reading for a long time, and therefore we probably won't see another post from you for a long time. Start here
Step Three (Last Step)
Go here and read post 4
Pay close attention because the Aviator who helped you answered your question before you reopened the exact same thread. The answer was simple yet direct, and he even threw in some added value at no extra cost. After you read that thread re-read every post you have ever made, or thread you have ever started, and learn from your mistakes.
Good Luck.
I find it difficult to believe that you have a "pilot contract" when you are both above the max age AND lacking the eyesight required for such a contract. Troll elsewhere.

I know I have trouble believing this also. That is what my recruiter said. Why would they select pro-recommend someone for pilot, then final select him. Then his recruiter calls up just to verify. Does the Navy usually do this? Is this likened to a stop loss policy (a backdoor draft)?


Registered User
(And seriously guys, I thought this was a forum of supportive naval aviators so instead of giving me negative rep..how's giving me some worthwhile advice even if you hate me)

Here's some advice turdpusher,

When you get to OCS be sure to tell your class Chief and Drill Instructor, because they're enlisted men, that they're "ignorant and misinformed".

Mr. Blonde

My ass is a motherfuckin' champion
I know I have trouble believing this also. That is what my recruiter said. Why would they select pro-recommend someone for pilot, then final select him. Then his recruiter calls up just to verify. Does the Navy usually do this? Is this likened to a stop loss policy (a backdoor draft)?

Listen up dumbshit, you don't get final select without a physical (i.e. having your eyes checked) and being within the limitations for pilot. Seriously, find a hobby other than wasting our time, you're obviously full of shit.

By the way, Thanks for giving us the acronym for Naval Air Station (and not which particular one) in parenthesis, I'm sure many of us here needed that to understand what it was...


"We lookin fo you. We gon find you!"
Dude you cannot be serious. If there was a smiley face that symbolized throwing up, I would be using it right now.
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