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JMSDF Gift Exchange

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Are you threatening me?
Super Moderator
To anyone that may be able to help...

Supposedly a part of FOREX with Japan is a gift exchange with my Japanese counterpart....does anyone have any idea as to what type of gift this may be? :eek:

I know some of you out there have been on FOREXs before, so your input is welcomed! Personally, I figured something like baseball would transfer well cross-culturally. I though of getting my counterpart a nice white sox hat. Any input is welcomed!


CAS Czar
Super Moderator
Usually a unit coin or plaque is done something that has to do with the military, the japanese really like zippos if you could get a unit Zippo


damn homeowners' associations
I was on that JMSDF FOREX 2 years ago and had a blast. A lot of the guys in my group gave the Japanese mids unit tshirts and hats and things of that nature. A coin would be good, but really anything works. So long as its not cheesy. A baseball cap isn't a bad idea at all. The funny thing was when we gave the gifts to the Japanese guys it caught them completely off guard, they had nothing to exchange with us, they weren't expecting it at all.


Golf balls/tees,

They love American peanut butter too (appearently theirs isnt any good).


Ask me about ninjas!
I vote for booze. When I went, I took a couple bottles of Jack Daniels Single Barrell with me as "omiyagi" (gifts), and they were very, very, VERY well-received. But those were mainly for the people I stayed with, etc. I would also recommend getting quite a few smaller things for random people you meet along the way, too. Like t-shirts, hats, notepads, etc. The trick is to make it something that reflects who you are or where you're from, i.e.: your college, hometown, etc. If you're from Texas, though, I wouldn't suggest giving any Japanese person Dr. Pepper. They find it (and rootbeer) absolutely disgusting. ...To the point where they will gag if they see YOU drink it.
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