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Job Choice

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Registered User
You guys may think I'm a little soft or something, but I'm not terribly interested in killing people; but I do want to fly for the Navy. I'm just wondering if a person gets to choose the aircraft/assignment he gets, or if it's assigned to him.

Say a person went the jet route. After all that training, does a person get to put down aircraft/job preferences or is it totally up to the Navy at that point.

Thanks for any information.



PLC Candidate
Just dont get jets. Of course if you do go into the military I think you will have to accept the fact that you may end up in a position where you must kill.


Registered User
yeah really dude. I mean everybody here has crimson fantasies while they jack-off!! you're saying you don't?

kill!! kill!! kill!! and eat the babies

p.s. I am just kidding here.

man the wait is killing me


Registered User
I believe the question is "Are you a conscientuous objector?" (spelling?) And your answer had better be No, and you had better mean it!


Intel Officer
Kill, hate, mutilate. Wise words from a less thoughtless buddy of mine. Seriously though, our JOB is to kill people, if they attack, especially when they might attack us first. If it's all about public service, there are plenty of good desk jobs. No offense intended, but you could go foreign service or something if the possibility of killing people is too much. Don't be a doctor if you can't stand blood!


Registered User
Mari is basically saying that we have a good chance to blow shit up if we become aviators!!!! WAHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Registered User
Few people here want to kill others. It is however the job we swear to do, and it must be done. If killing some little puke secures my freedom and the freedoms of those who judge me, than die he will. My goal is to serve my country not get winged so that I may feel good about myself.


Registered User
Dammit Grouch, why do you have to get all serious on me! I obviously have the monetary means to do like many other here could and get trained to fly in the civilian environment. And my friends have even said "Why don't you just buy a plane and you can fly whenever you want and you don't have to give up your freedoms or your salary" And I explain to them that being a military pilot is about more than just flying. It's about knowing that I've been trained by and flown among the best in the world. And when this country is in crisis, or another country is in need that I have a first hand part in helping. There is a lot of pride that goes with the decision to become an aviator in the military.

Ok, I'm off my being serious, but when it's all said and done, my advice and I think many here will tell you the same. Follow your heart. I took the money when I got out of school and I've been doing this for 3 years and with every step I keep thinking that the money will buy my dream. It doesn't, inevitably you will have to be happy with what you do with your life and the only way for that to happen with me is to follow my heart.

Mari had some good suggestions, there are a lot of aviation jobs that are in service and do not involve killing.


Registered User
You need to put some serious thought into joining the military. The nature of most jobs in the military result in a violent ending. Even if you are in a support role, the fact remains that you are supporting combat unit. Something to think about.


Registered User
When I checked into VT-9 in Meridian for the intermediate jets, the welcome aboard speech by the skipper consisted of "if you are not here to drop bombs and kill people in large numbers, then you are in the wrong room." This is definetly true for the jet pipeline. Now helos and support guys will usually not kill directly, but they will get the bullets.
If you think that you are going to have trouble with your job later, PLEASE do not join. There are plenty of people out there who are dying to be in the position that you are in and are willing to carry out the job.


Registered User
Thanks for all the serious information so far. I should probably clarify my position here. I understand that the basic function of the military is to defend, etc. and that usually involves killing. I understand that, and I believe it is justified.

I just don't necessarily want to be the one pulling the trigger. I do understand that I'd be directly supporting the ones who are pulling the triggers, and that's okay; so is every single American paying taxes. They just aren't playing a direct role. I would simply rather support the combat folks more directly...actively. I want a direct role serving our country and protecting our freedom.

I'm sure those of you who are actually doing this type of thing day in and day out know a lot more about it than I do. Maybe the SAR/medevac types feel just the same at the end of the day (in terms of conscience) as the combat pilots. That's something I'd like you guys to let me know.

Grouch, I don't want you or anyone else to have the wrong impression here. My flying for the Navy has nothing to do with feeling good about myself. It's the most appealing way I can think of to serve our country. That's what I want, to serve.

Thanks again for all the information so far, and any more anyone can think of. I'm proud of the job you all do, and would be even more proud to do my part.



Registered User
hey man. i hear you. try supply officer or something like that. Those are respectable jobs too. I mean if you go SNA or SNFo chances are you will be much closer to the battle roles. now you might end up a P3 pilot and just chase subs.

man the wait is killing me


Registered User
There are people in subs right? (kidding) Dude, if you got a problem with killing, being a combat pilot is the way to go! You never see any blood and guts! Just flame and debris!!!!!!!
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