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JSF-- your thoughts


Any of you boys seen a VORTAC around here?
Hey guys, I don't know if this thread has been addressed before, if so I couldn't find it, so I apologize if its redundant. What does everyone think about the JSF? I know there has been some criticism of it ( it's not needed, only has one engine, blah, blah, blah) BUt I was wondering what those who are out there and might be flying some day think about it. I, for one, am a fan of the "old-school jets" ( I still think the Prowler is pretty sweet... the aviation equivalent of a "MILF"), and look at the newer, stealthier, need to be a freakin computer nerd to fly, jets with a bit of hesitation. Anyway, what are your guys' thoughts on the jet and what are your criticisms, if any?



Registered User
i made this same mistake like 3 months back... there's already like 5 threads on the JSF lurking around here somewhere... search Joint Strike Fighter or F-35 theyre there... peace playa


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
ElCidAv8tor05 said:
Hey guys, I don't know if this thread has been addressed before, if so I couldn't find it, so I apologize if its redundant. What does everyone think about the JSF? I know there has been some criticism of it ( it's not needed, only has one engine, blah, blah, blah) BUt I was wondering what those who are out there and might be flying some day think about it. I, for one, am a fan of the "old-school jets" ( I still think the Prowler is pretty sweet... the aviation equivalent of a "MILF"), and look at the newer, stealthier, need to be a freakin computer nerd to fly, jets with a bit of hesitation. Anyway, what are your guys' thoughts on the jet and what are your criticisms, if any?

Prowler as a MILF? I love it!



I always thought the Intruder was a sexy aircraft. There's just something about a plane that can carry a lot of bombs.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Punk said:
does she put out though? :icon_tong
Why yes, Punk, she certainly does. Is that sterile enough for the mods? :icon_rage



Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Super18Ordie said:
Even better ****can the JSF and put money back into the A-6F program
Yeah, cause the A-6 airframe is stealthy and we always go in low now.



AV-8 Type
They (LM) brought the JSF sim to NC a few weeks back and afforded a lot of us the opportunity to fly it. Believe it or not, you don't have to know much about computers at all! It was cake to fly. Had 4 panels serving as Multifunction displays...all touch screen. Extremely user friendly. As far as flying it, no big deal at all. To hover you press a button and without touching the throttle, you just pull back on the stick and it'll give you the required power and up you go! To come back down, don't touch the power, just push the stick forward and down you come (it wouldn't allow you to come down too fast either). The most fascinating thing I found with the sim was it's ability to interact with other a/c. Say you're flying as a division of F35s. You can bring up a display that shows location, airspeed, altitude, and current weapons loadout of the other a/c in your flight. Then, you can assign each a/c targets. All at the touch of button, nothing verbalized. You can lock on and track multiple targets at once. You can fire a missle at an A-6 and drop a bomb on its hangar by simply squeezing the trigger, castle left on the stick then push the pickle the button. That quick! When you're ready to come in for a vertical landing, just push the "hover" button and it'll automatically slow you down to 0 knots and all you have to do is push the stick forward and down you come. It's an incredible a/c. Of course it's fly by wire, so if you force it to depart controlled flight, just let go of the controls and it'll recover.

Did I like it? No. I felt like a passenger at the controls. It was too easy to fly and it made me feel less like a pilot. If that's the kind of technology we have now and we're building airplanes with this capability, pilots are going to be an endangered species in the not too distant future. I didn't like it for personal reasons though. Not because it's a crappy airplane. It's not. LM is developing an incredible a/c with amazing technology in it and making it extremely user-friendly...I have no doubt that my wife could climb in the cockpit with a pocket checklist and be dropping bombs and killing bandits in half a day. It's literally that easy.