Phylis Shlafly and Eagle Forum are good stuff.
If only they knew how much gas we dump in the ocean on a daily basis. I'd like to see them enforce this.
I would disagree with her in that the Navy does technically have to listen to state environmental authorities under the Coastal Zone Management Act, but in this case the CZMA also allows the president to make exceptions in the name of national defense. Bush did this back in January, yet the courts are trying to overrule him again. I'd like to see how they can win this one.
Well they can start by issuing bench warrants for the CO's, XO's and other personnel of ships that violate the ruling. Don't laugh. It is just a matter of how far they want to push it. Ship goes out, uses it's sonar and the CO is arrested the next time he leaves the base.
If it takes place in international waters?