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junior college transfer to NROTC


New Member
Hey everyone, I am currently entering my second semester at community college. In high school I had a 2.3 GPA and when I applied I did not recieve a scholorship. Now I have a 3.25 and expect that number to rise after my second semester. I have not given up on my desire to become a Naval Officer, and I am determined and motivated to succeed. My question now is when is a good time to apply for a scholorship? I was told I could apply whenever I wanted but one recruiter told me that I had to do it before I had 30 units completed. I want to wait right after summer because I plan on getting SCUBA certified and recieving a captains liscence from an elective class I plan on taking in the summer. Does anyone know how the timing for me is supposed to fall into place? I turn 19 in one month and after my second semester I should be right at 30 units. Any help would be great.


New Member
My advice is to apply sooner rather than later. Having 30 credits is probably a good idea, but waiting because of a scuba certification is not worth it, imo.


is clara ship
You've got PM buddy. For the record (to any other hopefuls out there) my story was nearly identical, and things worked out for me. If you can't start out on scholarship, go in college program and just earn it your first year in NROTC and you should be fine after that.


New Member
Hey Midnjac, I got your pm, thanks for all the help and info I really appreciate it.
Do any of you guys know when the review board opens up for early decision? Oh, and I know 2 former Marines that were both Vietnam Vets, if I get evals from them will that help at all? Also where do I put/send those evals I just remember the teacher ones?


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
You should also consider applying to BDCP. Never hurts to have back up plans.

-ea6bflyr ;)


Will Over Skill
Dunno if this helps or not bud but this is the spring of my sophomore year and I applied for the 2yr scholarship/program.. Not sure what your xfer status will be but if you still got another year as a sophomore you can get your app in for next spring. If you are already past that and considered a Junior you might want to look into BDCP hit me up in a PM if you have any questions.. spent the last few months sifting through alot of good info and help from people on this site trying to do sorta the same thing.


Time to musk up
As far as I know there is no credit minimum when applying. Many mids at my unit had AP college credits from HS or JC above and below 30 and were able to transfer them. A great place to start with your questions about NROTC would be here: https://www.nrotc.navy.mil/index.asp