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Just beginning application process and have a few questions


Registered User
After graduating engineering school and working in corporate America for 2 years I've decided that it sucks. I've always wanted to be a Marine Corps aviator ever since I was a kid. I gave up that dream when I was in my senior year of HS because I didn't think I wanted to lead the military lifestyle. Seven years older and seven years more mature, I've got all that "independance" (if that is what you want to call it) out of me and decided to persue my dream.

This site is an invaluable sorce of info and I have been lurking here and searching for a few days soaking it all in.

I have a big question right now. I'm 5'8" and currently weigh in at a whopping 210 lbs. Yes, I know, I'm a fatass (I was 225 a month ago). I have a fairly muscular frame and can tell you that when I was at my trimmest when I ran track in highschool, I was 7% body fat and still weighed around 175lbs so I have a fairly muscular frame. Obviously I let myself go a bit during my college years but am currently training like a mad man to meet the requirements to be selected.

The next review board for my area is mid April. The maximum weight for my height is 186 lbs. I'm not much of a runner right now but that's all part of the training regimen. I know it is not really possible to get down to 186 by March 31st (when the OSO wants everything done) and still maintain a level of athletecisim that will allow me to score well on the PFT. It also doesn't leave a whole lot of time to study for the ASTB. I figured the best for me to was to shoot for the next review board in August/Sept. (or something like that). My OSO told me that I might be better off going ahead and trying to submit for the April one even if I'm well below "normal" (physically) for what the selection board usually takes. He says that since the same officers sit on the board every time, If I come across their desks again the second time around with dramatic improvement, that it will demonstrate my extreme desire to do this (which I have).

Personally, it seems like the best thing to do is give yourself the time to get in shape and really try to do/look your best the first go around and just wait until August (although I think I'd rather go to OCS in Oct. as opposed to Jan., but that's what you get for being a fatass).

What is the consesus here?


Back at last
Applying to the April board won't hurt you. You can get things as good as possible physically by the app date, and see what happens. If anything, your improvement will be noted when you resubmit down the road. I was overweight, but under body fat % when I applied, and got in (physically) because of my PFT score. They look at the complete individual when evaluating packages, as well as potential to succeed. I'd give it a shot, and resubmit if they say no. Plus, like you said, January in Quantico sucks...


Yes indeed. To re-iterate a common message on this board, apply early and apply often. If it doesn't work out that first time, stick with it. There are plenty of people here that can tell you that persistance pays off.


SNFO Advanced, VT-86 T-39G/N
scotty008 said:
...I was overweight, but under body fat % when I applied, and got in (physically) because of my PFT score...

Don't they give you a tape test if you're over the weight bracket for your height? I know a few guys who had that done but wasnt sure if that was why.


Registered User
Slammer2 said:
Don't they give you a tape test if you're over the weight bracket for your height? I know a few guys who had that done but wasnt sure if that was why.

Yes they will. Right now the limiting factor is the running. I only have to loose about 2 inches on my waist to meet the "body fat" requirement (that amounts to about 10 lbs.)

So any guys that have been there done that have any opinions out there?


Registered User
As for the ASTB, I'm studing engineering right now at the University of Illiniois Urbana/Champaign and honestly the only things an engineer needs to do is look over a practice version of the test...there is one on this site or get it at the book store...
1. understand the format and where there are time crunches
2. Practice the Spacial plane picture stuff
3. Memorize every Aviation/Naval trivia question (i googled all the terms in that section that i didnt know)

Everything else on the test should come naturaly to someone in engineering. I did nothing more than what I just listed and I got the Max score possible 9/9/9...good luck