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Just got accepted to OCS as a pilot! But still have some questions!?!


Registered User
As of last week I found out that my application for Marine Aviator was accepted and I will be going to OCS July 9th. However I have some general questions and if anyone could answer them I would appreciate it very much.
I am a student at Auburn University working on my Professional Flight Management Degree. I just recently earned my Instrument ranting and I’m starting to work on my commercial. I plan to continue to fly until I reach my multiengine. Will these ratings give me and advantage in my military flight training (such as getting the type of aircraft I desire to fly)? I know some people entering flight training at the same time as me might have more or less experience at flying than I. How will they divide pilots up for their training in this situation?
Another question that concerns me is about OCS. I have no military background. I am the only person in my family to go military after college (others have gone before college). With this in mind I do not know how to act such as posture, marching and such. Will there be a separate group of people such as myself at OCS?


Registered User
Cain said:
I do not know how to act such as posture, marching and such. Will there be a separate group of people such as myself at OCS?

There sure will be...

(I know this isn't helpful in anyway at all, but I couldn't help myself)


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
And there will be special attention given to those to don't know how to march or execute drill commands....don't worry about that!! Watch the beginning of Full Metal Jacket a few times and you'll see how they go out of their way to help those who haven't had any military training.

If you are rrally worried about it, waltz over to friendly ROTC unit and get some tutoring. Otherwise, thousands have gone before you without a clue and done fine. Just make sure you are in shape (pay attention to FMJ to see what happens if you are not in shape). Bonne Chance, HJ


I believe nicotine + caffeine = protein
OCS will have many similarities to recruit training. While we don't drill near as much, there will be plenty of drill and you will march everywhere. Whatever you lack in military bearing will either be put into you or you will be sent home. You sound all jacked about flying and thats great, but realize that OCS (about 3 months) and TBS (6 months) will be all about learning to be a Marine. No one will give a $hit how much you fly or what ratings you have. You will have infantry, logistics, comm, arty, motor T Marines, etc training you.

Right now my advice to you would be learn as much as you can about how the Marine Corps makes Marines. You will be learning more about being a grunt over the next year of your life than anything. There are tons of posts on this site and plenty of books out there to help you. While there are not as many on the officer side of initial training, you can find lots about recruit training. There will be many similarities.

As for all that fancy flight stuff you are spending your money on now, the only thing that you are going to get to "advance" through or skip will be IFS (and thats usually 2 months to fly and chill with the best friends you have ever had and get paid in full...). I can't speak for flight school, there are more knowledgable gentlemen on this site who can answer your questions about that. But Im willing to bet you will go through everything the same as Joe-never-touched-a-yoke-in-his-life.

Just remember this ... in the Marine Corps, there are very few "special" people who will be seperated from the masses ... and they usually have a lot of bling on their chests at Mess Night. We are all Marines, and that is that. No one is going to put you into a "special" group unless its the special people who get to go home before walking across the parade deck. You will learn at OCS everything they want you to learn, they will teach you. Be flexible, it will hurt less. Realize its gonna kinda suck, but its more than worth it on the other end. Ill be heading to P'cola in a month, and its been quite a journey. Ask any specific questions you got, feel free to send em my way. s/f, and good luck.


Registered User

I'm going to OCS (aviation)
JUly 9th

Wierd huh


SNA in Meridian
The additional flght experience can help or hurt you. Yeah it's good you know how to fly but you have to be able to learn how to fly the NAVY way. There have been people that were commercial airline pilots who failed out of military flight training cause they were too stuck in "their own" way of flying. Just keep that in mind.

I went in with bout 25 hrs (pre IFS) and I thought that was (for me) the perfect amount. Just enough to know how to take off ... safely take the plane somewhere and get in on the ground. So when I had my first flight in Primary nothing was really a suprise in terms of the flying enviornment. Again do a seach as all this has been covered numerous times.