Thanks to this forum for helping with astb. I got my scores back today - applying for marines, air. 7/7/7. If it helps anyone - I was a nervous wreck waiting - nervous in a calm sort of way (!). I was so glad when it was finished. Am I sick for actually enjoying that test? It was sort of fun - under the gun type of fun. Alot of the air/nautical I knew, but there were SEVERAL that I was clueless about. Just pulled an answer out of the air. Felt good about verbal/math/spacial felt good - one or two unsure about completely, but mostly good. I was concerned some of my cluelessness about air/nautical would do me in. Thought the supplemental part a challenge too. I studied for about two months, working two jobs as well as working out everychance I got in Texas heat for a marine PFT. Having to balance work, needing to work out constantly, and study constantly was constant pressure - my apartment went to hell during that time. I would walk through it in disgust and say to myself, "ignore it :icon_rage you can be much neater etc when you're not doing a million things." (its now in good shape ha ha) Yes, will have to be neat 24/7 in the military, but you get what I am saying. Maybe you've been there. Majoring history, I didn't do one thing for verbal or reading comp and that was fine, math was pretty basic too. I would just suggest for that - like every other poster has on this forum - to really study it because alot of the stuff you may not have seen from high school and I echo people who say you don't have time to figure out how to approach the problem on the test - you know it or you move on. Another thing I did is chilled out for the test - didn't let myself be that nervous. I just said, this is it. Let's go! Not the best scores in the world, but passing. Thanks again to all of you for the posts. Bottom line, if you leave and you didn't know every last one on av/naut, maybe you're fine. I was. BTW, I DID NOT find spacial that hard at all. I took the posters advice to study each pic in Arco and really study it over and over - time permitting of course - and do as the guy said - know them backwards and forwards. I also - as I went to sleep at night flying a plane in my head and look at the bank, the coast, etc. Sounds corny, but I thought anything would help.