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Just to make sure......


Registered User
I'm getting ready to apply to PLC this fall and have been in somewhat intense conversations with my OSO. I mostly trust him, however I will never forget how my recruiter screwed me over when I enlisted & when I did RA back in 2001 I got firsthand knowledge of the recruiting GAME. My main question is: Should I completely trust my OSO? Are they unlike enlisted recruiters or should I accept his help with a bit of reserve? I'm going to be an old man when I go to PLC (26-27!!!!)and oh yah, I want to make sure I GET to go to PLC. I don't want some jackoff OSO screwing it up for me.


Registered User
prior_devil said:
I'm getting ready to apply to PLC this fall and have been in somewhat intense conversations with my OSO. I mostly trust him, however I will never forget how my recruiter screwed me over when I enlisted & when I did RA back in 2001 I got firsthand knowledge of the recruiting GAME. My main question is: Should I completely trust my OSO? Are they unlike enlisted recruiters or should I accept his help with a bit of reserve? I'm going to be an old man when I go to PLC (26-27!!!!)and oh yah, I want to make sure I GET to go to PLC. I don't want some jackoff OSO screwing it up for me.

As a prior, you probably have more insight into the Corps than most of us OCS applicants who have never served before. I've been to OCS once and was NPQ'd in week 4. I don't know about ALL OSO's, but mine was locked-on and straight up with me about everything. I completely trust him. Also, and now I'm speculating, I wouldn't think that an OSO would tell you bull**** to get you to go to OCS or tell you anything untrue regarding a career as an officer. As an officer that little 18yr old PFC's life is in your hands, so they would only want the truely motivated, truely dedicated to enter. In light of that, I wouldn't think that an OSO would use deceptive techniques to get you to apply or not apply for officer training. Who knows, maybe this doesn't even answer your question, but I hope it helps.



New Member
Expect an OSO to be a little more honest than your average recruiter. I'm sure you're well aware of the competition involved to become an officer. I don't think there's a whole lot of competition to enlist. OSOs typically have more applicants than they have slots available so they have no reason to lie to suck people in. That doesn't mean that they won't, but it's not necessary for them to 'bend the truth' the way recruiters do. OSOs are not, however, immune from being misinformed from time to time. Of course, neither are internet message boards.
Take it for what it's worth.


Registered User
Thanks all, I'm not taking the process lightly. The way it sounds to me, however, that the PLC process is slightly different than OCS. I don't want to say 'easier' because competitive is competitive but it seems as though being prior enlisted gives my OSO more to work with in 'helping' me get accepted......
also -it's not that I never trusted my OSO. I was extremely suprised at the amount of respect and optimism he had when I walked into his office considering I'd become a dirty fat civillian :( But I still have this deep dark hatred for my recruiter that 'promised' me EOD when I was 17 years old (and knew everything the world had).


Registered User
devildog2307 said:
p.s.- you are not an old man! You're in your prime like me. Applying to go frozen in 191 as a 26 yr old. Get some.
I know I'm technically not an 'old man' but looking at those pics on the OCS websites and seeing all those 20-21 year old kids going thru OCS is amazing to me.......those pics could be of recruits at San Diego. I went down to see my best friend before he deployed to Iraq and his platoon commander had his 21st birthday while we were down there! Jeez some would say that that puts things into perspective. I say it just messes with my grape!


Dean of Students
prior_devil said:
I know I'm technically not an 'old man' but looking at those pics on the OCS websites and seeing all those 20-21 year old kids going thru OCS is amazing to me.......

I just graduated from OCS this past weekend at the ripe old age of 27. Your maturity will serve you well down there. Physically, the only real difference I found was that I recover more slowly from the the physical events. However, if you're going PLC juniors/seniors you won't have to worry about recovery time because there isn't any in the seniors course. Semper Fi and good luck.


Dean of Students
Finishing school for another year. PLC bubbas get the green weenie with TBS slots. The OCC'ers and NROTC guys always get the ones closest to your commissioning date so I'll end up waiting a few months, probably till Alpha classes up in Nov. '06.


Registered User
Now, I've dicked around in school an extra year and the way it looks is that if I do PLC next year then the following summer I should be done with school before increment 2. If that happens would I have to sit around for 6-8 months working some piddly-ass part time job waiting to go to TBS?
Could I opt to go thru a complete OCS class instead of split PLC? Thats probably a question for my OSO.


Dean of Students
Your OSO will have a bunch of reasons why he wants you to go combined or jrs/srs. If you're contracted before the summer after your sophmore year you will probably end up going to juniors. It's not a bad route. You should have seen the look on the OCC'ers faces as they watched us go through the grad week stuff. I feel that alone caused a few DOR's.