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Just weighing my options here


Will Over Skill
Hey all, I was reading some threads on this forum but couldn't really come across the information I was looking for pertaining to my question. I have been looking into various commissioning programs that I seem to be elegible for. In particular BDCP and NROTC. From what I am hearing and reading I am thinking NROTC might be the route I want to go but I have a question maybe someone can answer for me.

I am a current sophomore and will have a little over 2 years left to finish my degree so I am looking to apply for the 2 year option. With that said if by some chance I do not get picked up for the scholarship to receive the money. Is there any type of program I can get into while in school to participate with ROTC and obtain my commission upon graduation? I spoke with one of the coordinators at my school and they informed me that there is some sort of program in which I can do that, but he did not have the specifics.

If anyone happens to know what I am talking about could they shed some light on this and point me in the right direction to some directives that outline the procedures to do this? To be quite honest I don't care about getting the free money (It would be nice, but I am a 6 year navy vet and get my GI Bill) I just want to do what I need to do to graduate college, get my commission and potentially go back active as a naval officer either Intel or SWO (Obivously SWO if I am going through NROTC =) )


Well-Known Member
I believe in what you're talking about the MIDN are called "college programers". They are a part of the ROTC unit and will get the same commission but are not on scholarship. I'm a BDCP guy so if I'm wrong hopefully a MIDN will correct me. Also if you're not intersested in the money you could just apply for SWO or Intel and regular OCS you wouldn't have to worry about service selection this way, or go for the BDCP since you're a soph. Best of luck.


Milk and Honey
Kurtz is right. I was NROTC and you are actually in position to possibly pick up some money - be it scholarship or stipend. Being that you are prior enlisted you will have a leg up on how the system works to an extent. My suggestion is go talk to one of the staff LTs; they are gouged up to answer all of your hard questions. I was somewhat in your position but had no prior military experience and did the same thing with great results. If you aren't in position to go see them physically, their contact info should be on the college's website.

Ask for the STA-21 (pronouced "stay-21") class adviser. This will set you up with the LT who is most knowledgeable about prior enlisted scenarios. There are a lot of threads on here about BDCP and you can learn almost all of the info you need for that program on here (my old roommate did and is now an ensign in advanced jets).

Best of luck and feel free to PM me if you are having trouble with anything.



Will Over Skill
Thanks for the replies guys thats kinda what I was hoping.

Update: I went ahead and did some research on my colleges website and checked the non scholarship option. It sounds like I fit pretty well into that if I don't get picked up for the scholarship. I also spoke with the LT on staff at my school and he was very helpful and hopefully we will be getting the ball rolling on this starting Janurary :D Wish me luck hopefully I can slide into NSI this summer :D And if not, worst comes to worst in 2 years OCS here I come! haha

Also if you're not intersested in the money you could just apply for SWO or Intel and regular OCS you wouldn't have to worry about service selection this way, .

Just wondering, what do you mean by the service selection? Do you have to compete for your designator or something?


is clara ship
Pistol719 said:
Just wondering, what do you mean by the service selection? Do you have to compete for your designator or something?

Yes, NROTC does not work on a contract basis like BDCP/OCS. You will find out part way through your senior/last year of the program what you selected. Generally packages go in the fall of your last year and you find out around Christmas time or so. They take into account your grades, ASTB, unit/NROTC class ranking, PT scores, and there is a CO's input section as well. Not knowing how the BDCP pro/final select works, I can't really compare the two, but I will say that the NROTC selection process does allow you to really prove yourself a little bit more than just on paper. Not to say I didn't see some weak MIDN slip through the cracks throughout my time in the program by just "playing the game"


Will Over Skill
Cool, Very good information to know I apprecaite that.. I will be shooting for the SWO route so that will motivate me even more then I already am to keep on my toes to get what I want.

This kinda opens up a whole other series of questions. It sounds sort of like for those of us who were prior enlisted "A" school duty station selections. Depending on how well you performed in school, determined your class order in picking orders? Is that pretty much the jist of it when it comes to determining what Designator you get? I.e. You do well, you want SWO chances are (and with the needs of the navy in mind) you will get it.

Now after you know the designator you are assigned, do you have a chance to pick orders? or is that kind of just assigned to a newb J.O?

Also kinda backtracking on my previous post.. In regards to the non scholarship option in particular.. To get the ball rolling on that do I need to sign up for the scholarship the same way I would trying to get the paid one (I am signing up for both but just asking for G.P) Or is there a in-house route in each school to sign up for the "college program" option? Only reason I am asking is because I will be away on business in Janurary and I know I only got until the beginning of march to get this paperwork in so I wanna get the ball rolling with whatever I can ahwile. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Just to piggy back off of what MJ said, he explained how the ROTC service selection works and the selection for just OCS or BDCP is different. When you apply you can apply for just one designator or up to three. For example I only put down SNA on my application, if you do not get selected for your first choice you can basically reject the other two if they're on there and re-apply for your first choice when you have improved your package. I do believe that you put down a certain number of designators for ROTC and you get what you get based on what MJ said. So, with applying for OCS or BDCP you can kind of control your own fate a little more.


Will Over Skill
Well currently, I have alot of factors that are playing against me from what I understand (and please, anyone feel free to correct me if my information is inaccurate) And these are kinda my reasonings into going the ROTC route at this current point in time as opposed to BDCP.

- I am 26 years old and will tenatively be 28-29 around graduation so I know the cutoff for some programs is 30 (I am most interested in SWO and Intel, SWO being the path obivously I would persue in ROTC, also I get a wavier in regards to my 6 years active duty I completed.)

-Probably the biggest factor against me.. I currently hold a 2.5 GPA and the minimum to app for BDCP is 2.7.. Now I wont get into the entire story but to keep it short.. At the time I was going to school last spring I was dead broke, couldnt get a job due to the economy and my father lost his job a few months before in 07. Luckly at the right moment the FAA offered me a job right at the end of spring semester but as part of the obligation I had to attend a new hire class in Oklahoma City (I live in Tampa). And I only had 3 days notice. Due to this and sorta good sorta bad on my behalf.. 2 of my classes gave me a "W" b/c they never took attendance so they had no idea when I was there last (I attended everyday FYI) and 2 of them gave me an F because I missed my final exam.. So my GPA went from being a 3.4 to 2.5.. I fully plan on retaking these courses in the summertime or fall and before I left I held A's and B's in them. But for all intensive purposes right now my GPA doesnt cut the mustard. But with ROTC appearantly from what I gather I can write a letter at least stating the situation for consideration.

So with that said right now the plan for me is in Janurary app ROTC.. hope I AT LEAST get the non-scholarship option so I can have my foot in the door (Another thing is this is my last chance as a sophmore I believe so my last oppurtunity to apply for ROTC).

If I don't get picked up then at least I can re-take my 2 courses I "failed" in the summer and get grade forgiveness. Be back at a 3.5+ GPA and then app for BDCP

And finally if all else fails.. do it the hard way.. get my degree and walk up in OCS like I own the place (Just kidding if any Gunnys are reading this =)


Well-Known Member
Sounds to me like you've got a good gameplan, best of luck to you with whatever path you take to get to the fleet.


Will Over Skill
Just curious on an opinion here... But do letters of reccomendation from senior enlisted personnel hold a considerable amount of weight as well in boards?

Reason I ask this is because alot of the people I served with who can attest for my worth ethic, personality, etc etc are pretty much all now E-6, and E-7 and above.. with respect to the few officers I do know obivously. But just curious what you guys think or if any of the senior officers on here could give me an opinion. I would figure it couldnt hurt and would be beneficial. But just wanted to see what everyone thought.