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Keeping your nose clean


Kool-Aid free since 2001.
Marines Corps investigates song about killing civilians

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A music video posted on the Internet that tells a tale about a U.S. Marine killing members of an Iraqi family is being condemned by an Islamic group and investigated by the Marine Corps...

Okay, gonna throw out a little gouge/rant here for those of you who have just joined or are about to join (you more salty folks may want to think about this, and weigh in): watch what the hell you say and do as an officer or enlisted military member! ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU WRITE IT DOWN!!!

Your feelings on the above article and song aside, posting anything like that on the internet is just stupid. I have been a direct witness to several officers getting crushed because they posted inappropriate pics on the net that link them to the military and bring discredit upon themselves and/or the military. Simply posting a pic or sending an email on a gov't computer that could be perceived as inappropriate could land you in serious trouble. People are easily offended, and you can't tell them to pack sand anymore (much as you may like to).

I'm not debating if it is right to beat down our guys for having a little fun or whatever. It isn't a matter of right or wrong, this is what is happening. It is imperative that before you say something in public, or write something down - be it on your website, gov't email, newspaper, etc - that you carefully consider your words if you could be associated with the military. If it isn't something you'd say to your mom/preacher/child, then don't say it. If you're doing something you probably shouldn't be doing, or could be misconstrued by an outside observer, don't take pics of it. We are under a constant microscope, especially as officers, and we must conduct ourselves with that in mind.

It sucks, I know. This isn't the Navy of A4's. We should be free to let off steam or say/post what we want, but it isn't a luxury we really have except in private situations. You will get nailed for it, maybe not much the first time around, but you will.

Sorry for the rant guys, but I’ve seen too many good officers and enlisted have their careers damaged by this stuff. Even if there is no permanent damage, you don't want to have to go stand tall before the man and explain something that you thought was relatively innocuous. I know I'm being somewhat vague as to what people have been nailed for, this is intentional, it's a subject with a lot of gray area.

Just mind your P’s and Q’s.

Harrier Dude

Living the dream
I'd add e-mails to the list of things that will bite you in the ass. If you send it from your work account, assume the Commandant/CNO will get a copy. I've learned the hard way (well, not too hard, but a good ass-chewing) to keep my opinions in the proper forum. I'm not just talking crude/idiotic/etc stuff. I'm talking about legitimate opinions or ideas that your boss might not support. Don't assume that your buds won't send it to somebody that will sh!t all over you.


Well-Known Member
Ahh, yes the 2 hour ass chewing I recieved for joking with an old DH who made O-5 in a large email. Some random retired Capt that it eventually got to took issue with it and went VFR direct to the commodore. Twas a crappy week to be me. I had FCF for 2 weeks straight.

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
Another continuing trend of people ignorant of the internet. Email and the web are NOT your friends when it comes to posting controversial items while in the military. When do these people learn?


Professional Javelin Catcher
Ranks right up there with "Make sure every 'social event' involves liberal use of a camera and/or videotape to the maximum extent possible."


PropStop said:
This isn't the Navy of A4's. .....
IT's NOT !!??!! :eek:
PropStop said:
We should be free to let off steam or say/post what we want, but it isn't a luxury we really have except in private ...
*Sigh* "... except in private"??? Then it's O.K., right ???

And therein, my friends, lies the hypocricy with your present-day "system". People don't change ... just "appearances".

You can have it .....



Registered User
Saw the video nothing really that bad in it. Not even close to being on par with all the jodies about mowing children down, slitting women's throats, napalm etc. If more people saw/heard/read it there would be far less controversy.


Hadji Girl

I was out in the sands of Iraq
And we were under attack
And I, well, I didn’t know where to go.

And the first thing that I could see was
Everybody’s favorite Burger King
So I threw open the door and I hit the floor.

Then suddenly to my surprise
I looked up and I saw her eyes
And I knew it was love at first sight.

And she said…
Durka Durka Mohammed Jihad
Sherpa Sherpa Bak Allah
Hadji girl, I can’t understand what you’re saying.

And she said…
Durka Durka Mohammed Jihad
Sherpa Sherpa Bak Allah
Hadji girl, I love you anyway.

Then she said that she wanted me to see.
She wanted me to go meet her family
But I, well, I couldn’t figure out how to say no.

Cause I don’t speak Arabic.

So, she took me down an old dirt trail.
And she pulled up to a side shanty
And she threw open the door and I hit the floor.

Cause her brother and her father shouted…
Durka Durka Mohammed Jihad
Sherpa Sherpa Bak Allah
They pulled out their AKs so I could see

And they said…
Durka Durka Mohammed Jihad
Sherpa Sherpa Bak Allah
(with humorous emphasis:)
So I grabbed her little sister, and put her in front of me.

As the bullets began to fly
The blood sprayed from between her eyes
And then I laughed maniacally

Then I hid behind the TV
And I locked and loaded my M-16
And I blew those little f*ckers to eternity.

And I said…
Durka Durka Mohammed Jihad
Sherpa Sherpa Bak Allah
They should have known they were f*ckin’ with a Marine.

Semper Fi,

Riper Snifle

OCC 194 TBS C 03-07
Definately something that could get you in a lot of trouble, but not nearly as bad as the playbacks the media does of it, where it is shortened to just slaughtering little kids and laughing maniacly. Always important to read beyond headlines, thanks for sharing the lyrics, probably would not have found them otherwise.


Registered User
Riper Snifle said:
Definately something that could get you in a lot of trouble, but not nearly as bad as the playbacks the media does of it, where it is shortened to just slaughtering little kids and laughing maniacly. Always important to read beyond headlines, thanks for sharing the lyrics, probably would not have found them otherwise.

Regardless of context, this is defenitly something that shouldnt have made it to the internet.


Drinking, flying, or looking busy!!
A healthy dose of paranoia never hurt anyone...

If you say or do anything that isn't in your home and/or involves anyone besides your family and close friends... ask how it would look if the XO called you into the office about it.

As a military officer, you're the pretty goldfish in the bowl. Everyone wants to look at you, and maybe you don't know it.

Riper Snifle

OCC 194 TBS C 03-07
NavyVance said:
Regardless of context, this is defenitly something that shouldnt have made it to the internet.

Oh, I fully agree! This is something to be avoided, whether it is keeping it really really private or just not doing it at all (the walls have ears, etc. etc.). I was just amazed at how different it was from the media's depiction of it (surprise, surprise). The media's clips of it is far more damning. This is a good example, though, of how something can get you in a world of trouble (the internet is not always your friend as you guy's have said).


Some thoughts:
"Get a group of bored Marines together and all you will get is trouble." - Marine Sergeant.

The Marine did nothing wrong in making the video - he's got a hell of a voice and it's a borderline funny song depending on your sense of humor and how bored you are.

Cpl. Belile screwed up by posting it in public. To be fair, it appears he posted this a while back, either while in Iraq, or shortly after getting back....and before the whole Haditha mess. It got passed around this week on the Internet, and after discovering the fallout, took it down and made a full apology.

Sure, it's not as bad as all the cadences, but you don't exactly see them passed around on the internet as video or text, do you? The Run to Cadence with the US Marines CD is really sanitized (not even a "Johnny went to a place called Vietnam...many he killed with the knife and blade...") and a lot of the un-PC ones are rightfully NOT on the internet.

What I'm really pissed off at are the civilians who think this is funny and kept passing this around and rehosting it, even after the Cpl took it down, issued his apology, and tried to take down all copies in his control. Some fools even posted it on anti-military sites to get a rise out of them. Gee, how'd you think CAIR got a copy of it in the first place? I'm really bugged by the number of people (military included) who've seen this and expressed their approval without nary a "you know, after the whole Haditha mess....this could look really bad to the wrong eyes".