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Key West CQ


Registered User
How many Meridian guys are going to the Ike? I heard you guys are getting the shaft with that nice hotel one the beach, what a shame.

Ex Rigger

Active Member
Dets to Key West are one of the greatest things I've ever experienced in Aviation.....I can't wait to go back again.


Super Moderator
I was on a det there last March with the 53E RAG. We'd do our Fams hovering over the numbers of the off duty runway. After 2 days there we messed up all the PAR antennas. The 18 det was a little upset about that. Not to mention the FOD everywhere.

There are worse places to go on det, that's for sure. Great fishing.

If you go to Key West without going to Bare Bottoms at least once, you're wrong!


AV-8 Type
Been there twice, once for cross-country over the weekend and again for a det. Can't wait to go back. Did the "Duval Crawl" many a night!


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Fly Navy said:
Gay guys?
Nope, actual marine mammals. Those things will come right out of the water if they're hungry or angry enough - I advise caution.


Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
Brett327 said:
Nope, actual marine mammals. Those things will come right out of the water if they're hungry or angry enough - I advise caution.


Yeah, I know. I thought you were just making a funny.


Manatee "No-No's"

Photos © David R. Schrichte
Q. Is it against the law to touch manatees?
All of the forms of interactions listed above may be considered harassment under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Manatees are an endangered species, protected under the federal Endangered Species and Marine Mammal Protection Acts and the Florida Manatee Sanctuary Act. Conviction on the federal level is punishable by a fine of up to $100,000 and/or one year in prison. Anyone convicted of violating the state law faces a possible maximum fine of $500 and/or imprisonment for up to 60 days. The state of Florida can also pursue prosecution under federal law. Even more important than breaking the law is that human interactions with manatees can cause harm. Manatees can be observed without violating the provisions of these laws.

Q. I don’t understand how touching manatees can be harmful to them. They’re so big! I could never hurt them and besides, if they don’t like it, they could just swim away.
Touching manatees can alter their behavior in the wild, perhaps causing them to leave warm water areas, making them susceptible to potential harm. When manatees are in colder water, they expend valuable energy just to keep warm. This leaves little energy left for other important body functions, such as digestion. Pursuing a manatee while diving, swimming or boating may inadvertently separate a mother and calf.



Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
The real question is why there are no penalties against manatees touching humans, especially with their razor sharp teeth.



Stop the insanity of the manatee!!!

Few realize it but the manatee, with no known natural predators, is mankind's most direct threat. These creatures can weigh as much as a ton and can crush bones between their tremendous teeth! Unfortunately these creatures have persued an ongoing propaganda compaign since as early as the 1720's in which they present themselves as easy-going and fun-loving creatures that live in the coastal waters near Florida, Mexico, and South America and have even gained themselves the seemingly affectionate nick-name of "sea cow." No land-cow, to my knowledge, has ever tasted human flesh, but these "sea-cows" have been feared by sailors since man was first able to use a boat. Manatees are highly organized and militant and although usually their attacks are small and go by relatively unnoticed manatee attacks are rising exponentially in Colorado, British Columbia, and Palestine. We believe they may be preparing to stamp out humanity once and for all!

Manatees attack humans by sneaking up and biting them. Their saliva is a natural local anaesthetic so often their bites go entirely unnoticed. Using their enormous 2.7 meter fangs they inject their venom, unnoticed. Two to three weeks later the victim will begin to show signs of the toxin in their blood. Unfortunately, due to poor awareness of the effects of manatee toxin few victims seek treatment in time! The first signs are flu-like symptoms (coughing, aching, sneezing, fever, can't rest) which is followed by the sudden, and all too often unexpected, amputation of some or all of the victims limbs. This is followed by bleeding and sometimes death if not treated.

It is believed that manatees evolved this strange hunting practice in a wilder time when larger predators roamed the Earth and predators such as the manatee were unable to stay near their prey. The manatee could both hunt and effectively defend itself with this genetic advantage. But now the manatee only hunts for pleasure. No victim found has ever been suspected of being a manatee predator, and none have been found partially eaten. It is the distinct belief of this council of inquisitive scientists that, due to dehydration, the leader of the manatees, General Stark, has ordered his herd of mindless followers to destroy what his depraved mind sees as the enemy... humanity.

Save Humanity! Stop the Manatee!!!

-- Dr. Thomas Ignatius Poffenstuff

-- Director of Solaroceapharmacological Research

-- Winston University



the manatee threat is being fought by a few brave souls right here at AirWarriors!

Maybe in a few years i'll be able to comment on a key west det instead of a post on sea cows.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
raptor10 said:
Stop the insanity of the manatee!!!

Save Humanity! Stop the Manatee!!!
Finally someone else understands! I was viciously attacked while camping at Key West some 12 years ago and I still bear the physical and emotional scars of my ordeal.
