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Kinder and Gentler
Unfortunately, I can't say that I've been paying attention to mainstream media as of late so imagine my surprise when I noticed today's Seattle Times headline addressing Kosovo's declaration of independence. I have not idea as to what the potential ramifications may be as a result of this action but I have been reading about how the UN Security Council is growing divided; China and Russia are against the declaration where as the US has sided with Kosovo.

I defer to you guys's superior knowledge on this subject and I was wondering if this is a small issue or does this has the potential to unfold into something huge?


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
In relation to, say, Iraq, it's small, but as one more thing poking the Russians in the eye, it's huge. They have always thought of the Balkans as their playground and view us as meddling. We be kind of pissed if Russia started supporting Quebec separatists. Seeing as we need some cooperation from Russia in other areas, I'm surprised we publicly decided to shove the Kosovo thing in their face again.


Super Moderator
In relation to, say, Iraq, it's small, but as one more thing poking the Russians in the eye, it's huge. They have always thought of the Balkans as their playground and view us as meddling. We be kind of pissed if Russia started supporting Quebec separatists. Seeing as we need some cooperation from Russia in other areas, I'm surprised we publicly decided to shove the Kosovo thing in their face again.

It has been building for some time. And there really wasn't that much we could do to prevent it, the train already left the station on this one. As for Russia, I think they are increasingly becoming a lost cause in terms of dealing with them, and part of the reason they are pissed with the whole situation is that this just shows their diminished power and influence in the world.

I think it is great that we have supported their efforts though, I think it is exactly the kind of thing that we should be using our influence for in the world, the self determintation of people moving towards democracy. If you noticed, there were a lot of American flags being waved alongside the Kosovar flags. Power to the people!


Maybe shoving Kosovo not only in the Russians face, but in the World's face is a goo idea. Think about it Kosovo is a predominantley Muslim Country. It is showing we don't hate Muslims to the Middle East, and the new "Kosovars" (The Prez said that) actually love America, so Muslims that love us is a good thing too. As for the Chinese side of the story, China probably isn't to thrilled that anyone is supporting a country that has succeeded from their current country due to Tawain continuing to threaten to do the same thing.


Guess she don't like the Cornbread either...
Maybe shoving Kosovo not only in the Russians face, but in the World's face is a good idea. Think about it; Kosovo is a predominantly Muslim Country. It is showing we don't hate Muslims to the Middle East, and the new "Kosovars" (The Prez said that) actually love America, so Muslims that love us is a good thing too. As for the Chinese side of the story, China probably isn't to thrilled that anyone is supporting a country that has seceded from their current country due to Taiwan continuing to threaten to do the same thing.
Just a few fixes, sorry man! (I had to read succeeded a couple of times before I think I read you right). I think you got a good point except for China, I don't think there will ever be anything we can do that will raise their opinion of us whatsoever. Except for embracing them as our communist masters. They might like that.

The Chief

... We be kind of pissed if Russia started supporting Quebec separatists.

Hmm.... my analogy would be California rather than Quebec.

As far as an issue I think a rather small one for the US and our National Interests. The part I do not quite "get" is Russia. Albania was Moscow's closest client in the USSR. Most of the folks that now live in Kosovo are Albanians or children of Albanians. While Kosovo was also part of the USSR, Dictator Tito being almost tolerated by the Kremlin, they were probably the most distant from the center of USSR control. Tito ran the country as he pleased, dispite Moscow's protestations. No loyalty amounst theives?

The second part is not quite understanding Europe's stance in the matter. To me this is just one more step in the re-establishment of the Ottoman Empire, right in the underbelly of Europe. Yes, overstated but really .....

Third. Do not even pretent to understand why Europe, for the most part, made us go to war in the Balkans when it was (is) their problem.

In the interest of full disclosure, I know several folks that fled Albania and guess my bias comes from them.