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Last Katrina Evacuee Prepare To Leave Hotel

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
This is ridiculous... this is exactly why I am disgusted by welfare. He is a burden of the state... a burden of all of us. Disgusting.



FEMA sent him $9,000 in housing aid, but he spent it all on booze, cigarettes, some clothes, and food—partying, mostly. “I spent my money just the way I wanted, and I think [FEMA] should send me some more,” he says. But it won’t. Johnson’s caseworker says fema offered to buy him a ticket home to New Orleans in February, but he didn’t take it. FEMA won’t now. So he’s stuck, at least until the Holiday Inn pays him to leave.



Is it baseball season yet?
Why was he (and many others) sent to NYC hotels? They are among the most expensive in the country! Granted, it's a Holiday Inn, but I'm sure there are cheaper Holiday Inns around the Nation that didn't get evacuees.

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
DanMav1156 said:
Why was he (and many others) sent to NYC hotels? They are among the most expensive in the country! Granted, it's a Holiday Inn, but I'm sure there are cheaper Holiday Inns around the Nation that didn't get evacuees.

The real question is, why was he allowed to stay so long. There was a reason why many communities were less than thrilled to take on the refugees of New Orleans... not only was it one of the more dangerous cities in the country, but one of the poorest (read as: welfare)... gee, look at what we get...

Why could most of the other refugees get on their feet and not him? This is exactly the kind of bullsh!t that the liberal left rallies around.

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
RetreadRand said:
Well, since Jeb and W purposely cause hurricanes to occurr, I think the gov should dole out even more money for booze and cigarettes
That's no joke. I've personally witnessed the operators in the hurricane control room down in Tallahassee turn the Hurricane Death and Destruction knob all the way to the right with Jeb in the background yelling More!....More!...followed by extreme laughter. ;)


Is it baseball season yet?

O no, I agree wholeheartedly and understand the main point being made here (welfare bullsh!t) but just as a side point, I mean, NYC hotels?!
All I can say, is get off your you know what and get a job like every other American in this country! The problem is these people have lived off the government their whole life, so it shouldn't be a huge surprise! My thinking would be, have some self-pride!


Master your ego, and you own your destiny.
I agree, people like him are normally a waste on civilization, abusing a system set up to protect them, then complaining out the bunghole when it fouls up. But he did have one extremely valid point resting on his side of it all: Halle Barry was on. I mean... Halle Barry!! Mmmmm Halle...