To add to my previous, just go to Barnes & Noble / Borders / etc, get a big cup of coffee and raid their SAT/math review stuff. Even if you aren't a "math person" you can learn this stuff. To put things in perspective, I went from
not "being a math person" in high school, to being a senior in mechanical engineering (w/ a respectable GPA), and I'm not a genius or anything close. Basically, if I can fake it for college, you can fake it for the ASTB

Good luck, and like WishIcouldFly said, don't make it too hard. Many of the problems (especially the more wordy ones) sound much more difficult at first than they are. For example, here is one that I had:
"A quarterback is 20 yards from the reciever who is running at 15 ft/sec. How fast (in ft/sec) must the QB throw the football to reach the reciever in 1 second?" first I tried to write down some simple equation, and being pressed for time I wasn't thinking clearly. But then it hit me how simple it was......obviously 20 yds is 60 ft and if the ball is flying for one second, the reciever will cover 15 feet. So 60 + 15 = 75 ft/ 1 second or 75 ft/s. See what I mean? You just have to realize that there is an easy way to do each of these problems, so basically dumb down the problem and your solution and you should do ok! Hope that helps!