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Last Minute Questions

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Registered User
Hey everyone, I'm leaving for OCS for the July 6th class, and I was wondering if anyone could give me some last minute advice. The questions are kind of stupid, first, are we allowed to bring boxer/briefs or do they have to be briefs? Secondly, how much civilian clothes should I bring? Third, I know we keep in contact with family and friends through mail, is there any email or calls?? Thanks for all the help. Hope to see some of you down there, Greg


Registered User
Hey greg it's Andy. Feels pretty wierd huh? I'm psyched, I can't wait to start this. I think I've got almost everything ready to go. As far as I know, you can wear whatever you want (although I'd stick with white) as long as you have the briefs they gave you, out for room inspections. I heard you have some sort of access to computers on the weekends. But I'm sure that's a luxury and probably won't happen until we're 'secured' anyway. I say we just keep our minds on smaller goals and hope we do well on the in-prt. -Andy
PS If we happen to be roommates, you're going to have to fight me for the top bunk.

Ed Williams

Registered User
Answers to your questions. I would bring briefs for the week and boxer breifs for the weekend. In the morning while doing pt, you will have to wear briefs (boxers hang below your shorts while stretching). On the weekends go with the boxers. Just make sure they are white. As far as civilian clothing, you can only wear it in the last 2 weeks if your class is an honor class. My advice, one set of civilain clothes will do, too at the absolute most, and keep them in your car. As far as family contact, you can use the computers once you secure... smae as the phones. Any other questions, just ask.

Ed Williams

Registered User
Answers to your questions. I would bring briefs for the week and boxer breifs for the weekend. In the morning while doing pt, you will have to wear briefs (boxers hang below your shorts while stretching). On the weekends go with the boxers. Just make sure they are white. As far as civilian clothing, you can only wear it in the last 2 weeks if your class is an honor class. My advice, one set of civilain clothes will do, too at the absolute most, and keep them in your car. As far as family contact, you can use the computers once you secure... smae as the phones. Any other questions, just ask.


Registered User
Andy and Ed thanks so much for the information, I really apreciate it. I definitely agree with you Andy on focusing on the small stuff and getting through everything one step at a time. I just got back from talking with a friend of a family friend who flew Tomcats and was in for 21 years. He showed me a video of his squadron doing weapons training, shooting down drones, and ships. It was pretty cool, he told me we will have the best time ever being Navy pilots. Can't wait, the top bunk is all yours if you want it. Thanks again, will see you down there. Greg

Ed Williams

Registered User
Forgot to tell you, you only have bunks in the first week during open bay, then you get 4 man rooms each with just a regular bed.

Paul Burke

Registered User
In case you were wondering, your class # is 01-03

All the gouge is right on accurate. Don't let the first week get to you. Have fun you guys.


Registered User
Is it allrigt to wear shorts when I show up? I read somewhere that "proper civilian attire" means pants. But it's July in FLorida!


Coffee Drinker
Super Moderator
01-03! Wow... and to think that some of us 01-02 guys are still around Pensacola. I'm getting old.


Registered User
I dont really think it matters what you show up in. You probably wont be wearing it that long. If they dont like it, you may just have to do more pushups. No biggie, at least for me its not.

Paul Burke

Registered User
Show up in shorts and a shirt you can tuck in. Wear a belt if your shorts have belt loops. You won't be doing any push ups until after you do the In-PFA which means that no one will remember what you were wearing by the time they start making you push. Also, don't take anything extra you don't need. Good Luck.
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