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leave while on bdcp


Registered User
I am in bdcp and trying to catch a space - a flight, but you need leave forms to get on one. however, how is our leave accounted for? We are considered enlisted, so do we get 30 days leave a year while we are in bdcp (in school)? Also, do these days accumulate if we don't use them throughout the year? So, next year I'll have 60 days of leave to use? We, as bdcp'ers are practically on leave all the time and have quite a bit of free reign to do whatever.

i also read something online that rotc can use space a flight with a certain form, and we are pretty similar to them, so should i ask my recruiter for that form. The only down side to that is that form considers you a category VI for flying, which is one of the lowest, therefore, limiting your chance of getting on a flight. I would be a category III otherwise with leave forms. Anyways, if anybody knows much about this, feel free to chime in and/or give some advice.


is out to lunch.
As far as leave goes, we get 2.5 days of leave per month just like everyone else in the military. Log into your DFAS account and view your "Leave and Earnings Statement."... it will show how much leave you have got.

BDCP is only required to take leave if you leave the country; I'm not sure how to hop a space a flight though. Talking to your recruiter is probably the best idea.


I just completed the LV form and my OSO thinks it won't be a problem for me to book for 2 weeks to Central America. I think BDCP has a unique status with regard to LV since we're "ordered" to attend classes and not to a duty station. This is my reading so far...I'm taking off in a month.


Clearly this is a hot thread since that I was the last person to update it about a month ago...but just in case any BDCP OCs comes along wanting to know the official answer to the LV question, here it is straight from my OSO:

LV time during BDCP service DOES count against us, but who cares? We earn 2.5 LV days per month so if you're in BDCP for a year, that's exactly 30 days of vacation free and clear, in addition to free flights around the world, assuming you're cleared for it. If we take more than that (and I think it's a great idea to do so considering that you'll be wondering why you didn't when you're kneeling and scrubbing bathroom tiles of the barracks at Pensacola/Quantico with a tooth brush), you'll have a balance to pay after you're commissioned. I'm planning 6 weeks in Bangkok after graduation/before OCS, so I'll have a slight deficit of LV upon commissioning. Considering it'll look a little weird if you spring off on a vacation the second your DI salutes you, it shouldn't be too much of a problem.


Registered User

I know it has been a while since anyone posted here, but I have been trying to figure out how to get to Guam over Winter break on space-a. (I am BDCP) Just wondering how exactly you get the LV form (ask recruiter?) and if you do get the form then you are considered cat III? Thanks