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Lebanese fighting......


Super Moderator
The Lebnese Army is trying to root out a radical Palestinian, Al-Qaeda 'inspired' group in a 'refugee camp' (see below). This is more a proxy fight between the government and the Syrians, who are supposedly supporting the group to destabilize the country. Even the Palestinians in charge and Hezbollah (who consider them a threat, the whole Sunni v Shia thing) don't like them......


Quick overview of the group:


The 'Refugee Camp' saga- A large number of the Palestinans who fled and were ejected from Israel during and after the fighting in 1948 settled in camps in adjacent countries, with the bulk ending up in Jordan and Lebanon. Almost all of the countries that took Palestinian refugees have refused to integrate them into their societies to incude giving them citizenship. The big exception is Jordan, but that is more to do with sheer numbers than anything else since half of the population of Jordan is Palestinian (though there are still a lot of refugee camps there). The continued existence of the refugee camps ,which look more like cities and towns with permanant structures, after so long serves several purposes including keeping the claim that Palestinian refugees have the 'right of return', fertile ground for recruiting fighters and supporters of Palestinian causes and the simple fact that their numbers could disrupt the current political balance in many countries.

But most importantly they are a reminder to their populations, both the host countries and the refugee camps, that Israel is still occupied territory in their eyes. This has served to deflect attention from many of the pressing domestic issues by pointing out the great injustice that is the existence of Israel. Now, after years of being controlled by the big Palestinian factions, they are reaping what they sow. Because of the continued failure to deliver on promises that they would defeat Israel and return to Palestine, radical groups that promise quicker and more meaningful results, like Hamas and Hezbollah, have gained a lot of power and support in recent years (they also throw in religion, the Palestinians have historically not been very religous). Now you are seeing a further out growth of this with more radical groups, like Fatah al-Islam.


Wasn't it Jordan that killed thousands of "Palestinians" and gave rise to Black September ... ??? And sent the PLO scampering over the border into Lebanon as a direct result ... ???

The "Palestinian" refugee crisis is one of the more contrived international events of modern times ... as most "Palestinians" (there is no such thing, BTW ... any more than there are "Samarians", "Galileeans" or "Judeans" ... ) have never set foot in present day Israel.

It never ceases to amaze that millions of Arabs, with their zillions of petro-dollars (that could support any "Palestinian people" in style forever), and
hundreds of millions of other Muslims worldwide, cannot tolerate a few million Jews on that tiny strip of land at the eastern end of the Mediterranean ...

Could it be ... to raise this international straw man issue deflects scrutiny and criticism of their OWN Arab/Muslim countries ... ???

Could it be ... ???


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Wasn't it Jordan that killed thousands of "Palestinians" and gave rise to Black September ... ??? And sent the PLO scampering over the border into Lebanon as a direct result ... ???

The "Palestinian" refugee crisis is one of the more contrived international events of modern times ... as most "Palestinians" (there is no such thing, BTW ... any more than there are "Samarians", "Galileeans" or "Judeans" ... ) have never set foot in present day Israel.

It never ceases to amaze that millions of Arabs, with their zillions of petro-dollars (that could support any "Palestinian people" in style forever), and
hundreds of millions of other Muslims worldwide, cannot tolerate a few million Jews on that tiny strip of land at the eastern end of the Mediterranean ...

Could it be ... to raise this international straw man issue deflects scrutiny and criticism of their OWN Arab/Muslim countries ... ???

Could it be ... ???

This, to me, remains the 800 pound gorilla in the room. The fact of the matter is that Arabs (and Muslims in general) have always been more apt to scheme, maneuver and fight among themselves, all while pointing their fingers in every other direction. If their real aim was some kind of pan-Islamic brotherhood, they sure have a funny way of showing it. Instead, they're only interested in lining their already deep pockets while screwing over their less connected working class. Fundamentally, tribalism is still at work here. Where is the criticism from the international community? If the UK were rotting in poverty and anarchic gang violence, who do you think would be expected to bail them out?



Super Moderator
Wasn't it Jordan that killed thousands of "Palestinians" and gave rise to Black September ... ??? And sent the PLO scampering over the border into Lebanon as a direct result ... ???

The "Palestinian" refugee crisis is one of the more contrived international events of modern times ... as most "Palestinians" (there is no such thing, BTW ... any more than there are "Samarians", "Galileeans" or "Judeans" ... ) have never set foot in present day Israel.

It never ceases to amaze that millions of Arabs, with their zillions of petro-dollars (that could support any "Palestinian people" in style forever), and
hundreds of millions of other Muslims worldwide, cannot tolerate a few million Jews on that tiny strip of land at the eastern end of the Mediterranean ...

Could it be ... to raise this international straw man issue deflects scrutiny and criticism of their OWN Arab/Muslim countries ... ???

Could it be ... ???

You are correct with most of the above, and that was my point. Much of the Arab world has ignored their own problems while pointing to Israel as the blame for much of them......